

Best Answer

You have to moonwalk and press up or down.

Don't do alt and F1 like the old answer said because you will exit out of your game.

(Sigh, the typical trolls.)

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Q: How do you walk up stairs on Michael Jackson's moonwalker game?
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Is there a Michael Jackson Moonwalker game?


How do i get Michael Jackson's video game?

you can go to eBay and buy his moonwalker game. I have it, it's really fun. But if you want to, you can go online and search 'download Michael Jackson's moonwalker game' and maybe some good links will come up.

What button on the computer starts the Michael Jackson moonwalker game?

the enter button.

Does the Michael Jackson Moonwalker game sell on the Playstation 3?

Yes, how many times do i have to tell people.

Do they have the game moonwalker for ps2?

No it is not a PS2 game title

Will Michael Jackson be in a video game?

He has starred in a game called 'Michael Jackson's Moonwalker' and the Space Channel 5 video game series. A week after Michael Jackson's death, game developer David Perry revealed that he and Michael was working on a game titled "Michael Jackson: The Experience." It will be released in 2010 and will be available for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, Wii and Nintendo DS.

Will they make a Michael Jackson video game?

Apparently, shortly before Michael died, he was either in talks or in the process of making/designing a video game for the PlayStation 3. It should be released next year or so. And also... In the late '80's, early '90's, Michael came out with a video game for the Sega Genesis inspired by his film "Moonwalker". The video game also coincided with the film's release.

What game system do you play moonwalker on?

sega the old system you would play sonic on.

Did they ever release the moonwalker game on PS2?

No because PS2 didn't exist back then lol.

Is there an online game for the Percy jacksons and the olympains?

not that I know of.

Does prince Michael Jackson have a phone?

Yes, he has a cell phone. "At one point, Prince Michael pulled out his cell phone. It looked like he was playing a game on it; he then passed it along to one of his cousins." taken from:

Can you have stairs on sims 2 pets PC?

Stairs do exist but I'm not sure if you get new stair on the game. Why is everyone obsessed with stairs?