Clay decides that he liked Hannah and he is mad at himself for not figuring out that she was going to commit suicide. When he goes back to school he realizes that Skye Miller is showing signs of committing suicide so he chases after her so he can try to stop her.
i think that the reason for this book is to show that even little things that you do to a person, even if you don't realize what you're doing, you can really mess with a persons life. so like the moral to the story is to watch how you act and say to others because what you do can end up being positive or negative to that persons life.
Evie & her aunt show up at her house & Tracy's & and Evie's aunt find the stash in Tracy's room. Evie & Tracy yell & scream at each other, ending up in Evie leaving & Tracy never seeing her again. Tracy's mom helps Tracy get her life back in order & the final shot is a symbol of Tracy regaining her childhood.
Lots of stuff happened in The End. Let's see... Kit Snicket died, Count Olaf died, it was revealed that Beatrice was the Baudelaire orphan's mom, VFD stands for Volunter Fire Department, Kit had a baby (the father was Dewey Denoument) and when she died the Baudelaires became the guardians of it, the baby was a girl and they named her Beatrice, the Incredably Deadly Viper reappeared and then had to leave again, the sugar bowl remains a mystery, the triplets never show up (some people think they're dead, based on Kit's description)...I can't think of anything else.
And in the very end of the book, the Baudelaires (after living alone on the island for a year) decide to head back to the mainland with Little Beatrice. Their ship wrecks on the way back (the shipwreck poster in The Beatrice Letters is of that shipwreck) and Little Beatrice and the Baudelaires are separated. I'm pretty sure that Little Beatrice hired Lemony Snicket to find the Baudelaires, Snicket tried to track them down by gathering information from all the places they'd been since their parent's deaths and he based A Series of Unfortunate Events on the observations he made (that explains why so much time has passed between when the Baudelaires were at a certain place, and when Snicket came there to investigate).
Daryl Hannah
She committed suside
She hated herself and she hated her boyfriend. She hated her life and she didn't think life was fair.
David Draiman's girlfriend hung herself because she was a heroine addict with self esteem issues. When he broke up with her, she hung herself.
She killed her self in her bathtub by overdosing on sleeping pills
She killed herself with pills, it says it somewhere, but she wanted her parents to think it was an accident.
Hannah is so mean i wish i could kill her she is so mean to everybody doesn't she relize she hurts herself 2 when she does stuff like that
No. She has to much going for her, and she is making to much money to destroy her life.
Kill Hannah was created in 1994.
yes there is stones represents the object used to kill Hannah in the book
At the end of the book one line says "But Skye's walking down the same stretch of hall where I watched Hannah slip away two weeks ago." He calls out to her because he doesn't want her to kill herself. He wants to help her because he couldn't save Hannah. Clay knows she is a possible suicide risk. So in short he shouts her name because he knows he can at least save her.
No, Emily didn't kill herself, however, in one of her novels she created a clone of herself but they became one person again. You need to read the book to understand it fully. :)
She did not kill herself!
its spelled *bieber* but no she did not kill herself, she is very much alive.
Scout Finch does not actively participate in bullying in the book "To Kill a Mockingbird." There are instances where she stands up to others who are being bullied, such as her defense of Walter Cunningham Jr. in the schoolyard. Scout herself experiences bullying from other children but does not engage in it herself.
No, but she try's to kill herself.
Kill Hannah