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they set fire to the rain like a boss.

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Q: How does Golding use Roger and Jack to show that the disorder they have created will lead to more disorder?
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How does Golding use roger and jack to show that the disorder the have created will lead to more disorder?

they set fire to the rain like a boss.

Who created the Jolly Roger?

That was Calico Jack.

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Jack Golding has written: 'Begoniaceae' -- subject(s): Begoniaceae, Identification, Nomenclature, Pictorial works, Plants, Type specimens

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No, it is Roger and the hunters who steal the conch and take it to Castle Rock in William Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies." Jack and his followers are complicit in this action, as they become increasingly savage and unruly under Jack's leadership.

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Who says You couldn't stop me coming if I wanted in Lord of the Flies?

The quote "You couldn't stop me coming if I wanted" is said by Jack Merridew in William Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies." Jack makes this statement to assert his power and dominance over the other boys on the island.

Who pretends to be a pig during the chant?

In the book "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, it is Jack who pretends to be a pig during the chant. He gets caught up in the frenzy of the moment and assumes the role of the pig in their savage ritual.

Who said the quote They hate you Ralph They're going to do you Roger sharpened a stick at both ends in the book The Lord of The Flies?

This quote is said by Jack to Ralph in William Golding's book "Lord of the Flies." Jack's words foreshadow the increasing hostility and violence that will ensue between the two groups led by Ralph and Jack on the island. Roger sharpening a stick at both ends symbolizes the savagery and brutality that will take over as civilization breaks down.

What chapter does jack hunt for food?

Jack hunts for food in Chapter 3 of the book "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

What does Golding compare Ralph and jack to?

In "Lord of the Flies," William Golding compares Ralph to a democratic leader who values order and civilization, while he compares Jack to a dictator who represents savagery and primal instincts. Ralph symbolizes reason and morality, while Jack embodies chaos and a lust for power.

Who tells jack where ralph is hiding?

In "Lord of the Flies," Roger tells Jack where Ralph is hiding. Roger was a loyal follower of Jack and had been actively participating in hunting down Ralph along with the other boys.

What is Roger's role in Jack's tribe?

It seems that Roger has become the unofficial second in command to Jack and also chief torturer.