he run's off after the death eater that killed him ( Ron try's to do the same)
its called a penseive and i love harry potter i wanna be a death eater
Death originally owned it before giving it to Ignotus Peverell. It was passed throughout the generations and was given to James Potter. Albus Dumbledore, who had borrowed it from James Potter, then returned it to Harry Potter.
There won't be anymore Harry Potter books but that has nothing to do with the death of Fred Weasley, he isn't the main character and the series can continue without him.
Harry Potter And The Philosopher's StoneHarry Potter e a Pedra FilosofalHarry Potter And The Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter e a Câmara dos SegredosHarry Potter And The Prisoner of AzkabanHarry Potter e o Prisioneiro de AzkabanHarry Potter And The Goblet of FireHarry Potter e o Cálice de FogoHarry Potter And The Order of The PhoenixHarry Potter e a Ordem da FénixHarry Potter And The Half-Blood PrinceHarry Potter e o Príncipe Misterioso(Harry Potter and the Mysterious Prince)Harry Potter And The Deathly HallowsHarry Potter e os Talismãs da Morte (Harry Potter and the Death Talismans)
George Weasley wasn't killed, he survived the series. Fred Weasley was killed in an explosion most likely caused by Augustus Rookwood.
No, Harry Potter survived.
Not all the death eaters die in Harry Potter.
Harry potter and the chamber of secrets
No, she was not.
A Death Eater
In the beginning of The Seventh Harry Potter Book, when The Death Eaters and Voldemort are chasing Harry.
The final death in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the death, and thus final defeat, of Lord Voldemort.
No, he had a near-death experience but didn't die.
voldemort and his death eaters
Voldemort and the death eaters.