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Death originally owned it before giving it to Ignotus Peverell. It was passed throughout the generations and was given to James Potter.

Albus Dumbledore, who had borrowed it from James Potter, then returned it to Harry Potter.

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Q: Who was the original owner of the invisibility cloak in 'Harry Potter'?
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Related questions

What is an invisibility cloak?

A cloak in Harry Potter that gives him invisibility.

Did Harry Potter's invisibility cloak get ruined?

Harry's invisibility cloak is very special and not a normal invisibility cloak. It is not possible for it to be ruined.

Who originally owned the invisibility cloak in Harry Potter?

Ignotus Peverell was the original owner of the invisibility cloak. It was passed through the generations and eventually was passed to James Potter, then Harry himself.

What is the name of the invisible robe in Harry Potter?

His "Cloak of Invisibility"

What items does Harry Potter use to make himself invisible?

The Invisibilty Cloak. The Third Hallow.

What did Harry Potter get for his first Christmas at Hogwarts that once belonged to his father?

The invisibility cloak which was in Albus Dumbledore's possession.

What was Harry Potter given that had been left to him by his father?

His invisibility cloak.

Which is the bad Harry potter team?

The Invisibility Cloak, which he inherited from his father

What year was Harry Potter in when he received the invisibility cloak?

He was in first year.

What was the blanket that Harry Potter put on and made him invisble?

Harry had an invisibility cloak that made him invisable

What mystery gift did Harry Potter get for his first Christmas at Hogwarts?

The Invisibility Cloak.

Is Harry Potter's father a Deathly Hallow?

No, but James Potter did own one of the Hallows - the invisibility cloak.