His godmother sends him money. But, only because she is legally his gaurdian and is forced to by law.
Lucas wasn't trying to kill her. He was trying to tell her he spent all of Caleb's money on a basketball tournament. Then caleb was back and lucas went selling his comic books to get money to pay Caleb back
hannah's mom
I believe that the person that stole hannah's moms money was mona because Mona is A.
"A" puts flowers on the grave of the woman how died and from whom Hannah's mom 'stole' money...
The climax to Pretty Little Liars is when the text messages from "a" are interfering with the girls lives. "a" took Hanna's mom's money that her mom stole from a lady in her building and "a" is giving Hanna chances to get her mom's money back. Since Aria is dating her English teacher Mr. Fitz, "A" has been trying to get Aria's mom to catch Aria in the act. Emily has been dating Maya and "A" is a bit jealous so "A" is trying to play tricks on Emily. And lastly we come to Spencer. Spencer's sister Melissa is married to Spencer's field hockey coach, Ian. Spencer suspects Ian did something to Alison and "A" has been trying to tell Melissa about what he did last summer.
The pictures that were on Lucas loptop where not pictures it was his betting site where he bet on a game using Caleb's money
Lucas wasn't trying to kill her. He was trying to tell her he spent all of Caleb's money on a basketball tournament. Then caleb was back and lucas went selling his comic books to get money to pay Caleb back
no money
hannah's mom
esra fitz
it was mona since mona is A
if you have IO, go to the on demand menu, click free on demand, entertainment, abc family, pretty little liars. its free.
As long as u have limited texts it won't cost
I believe that the person that stole hannah's moms money was mona because Mona is A.
Her mother gave it to the foreclosure company so they could keep the house.
The Money Song - K.C. But the song can't be found anywhere :(