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for ps2 hold square other consoles it will be the equivilent try check booklet with the game

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Q: How do you use the batarang in Lego Batman?
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Which Batman Lego set has a batarang?

i no that the ds does and probly the ps2

How do you throw a Batarang in Lego batman for xbox 360?

Hold down x for a long time.

How do you defeat Clayface in LEGO Batman?

The trick to Clayface's final defeat is to use the batarang to turn the three levers behind him. This will cause him to fall backward into the cage.

How do you pull the second lever in Riddler makes a withdraw on Lego Batman Wii?

You do not have to do this yet.If you are on free play, turn into batman and throw a batarang at the yellow handles. This same thing happened to me

How do you kill harley Quinn in Lego batman 2 dc super heros?

you use Batmans Batarang and swing it at her when she throws the hammer well after she throws it!! this is not a lie and im a girl in i play this dont judge me! :)

What does batman carry in his utility belt?


How do you get past the green goo on level 1 lego batman the videogame?

From Kitty theres a place at the buildings and youll see a batarang hook so get up there and walk on the buildings if not then its inpossible

How do you get vehicles on LEGO batman ds?

You cannot buy your own vehicles in Lego Batman, however you can use vehicles in mini games.

How does LEGO joker use laughing gas in LEGO batman?

you can't. you can use the electronic buzzer though

Where do you get the quick fire batarang on batman arkham city?

just progress through the game

Can I get Lego Batman for the PC?

Yes, you can get Lego Batman for the PC.

What are the Batman LEGO sets for 2009?

There were no Lego Batman sets released in 2009. Lego discontinued the Batman sets after 2008.