You cant unlock them by codes there will be a pack in December for you to download them onto your smackdown vs raw 2009 game, also will be chris jerichos new attire!
you can't its only a exclusive for ps3 and xbox 360
No inless you want to create her.but if you have something like the ps3 you can download how she looks
Sorry it is only a Downloadable Content (DLC) for X-box and PS3
Ted DiBiase is not unlockable, but he, and other Superstars will be DLC(Downloadable Content) for Smackdown vs Raw 2009. I'm pretty sure DLC will be made for Xbox 360 and PS3, but I'm not sure about Wii.
if you score form your own penalty area you can unlock the super badger team
zombie mode is on ps3 you dummy
For Kane you have to download him on the ps3 network. And for stone cold and the rock...well u don't and, that's the bottom line
There are games that have zombies as characters for PS3
He is DLC for xbox and ps3 only
Im not sure, but on ps3 and xbox you have to get out of the chair by pressing both triggers rapidly and then walk over to the computer and click X/A and then type "3arc unlock" then click enter
Wii has a single Zombie mode map. PS3 and Xbox 360 have 11 possible if all 4 DLCs are purchased for $60. Just purchasing Rezurrection for $15 will get you 8 total zombie maps for the PS3 or Xbox 360. Levels for the zombie mode are unlocked when you kill all the zombies on that level and you continue to get a new level until you are dead
Press L2/LT and R2/RT repeatedly in the main menu. Walk around and you will find a computer. Use it and type in "3ARC UNLOCK" Add me on ps3 almostasachi
Call of Duty 4 does not have a zombie mode
The player can unlock this by breaking free from the chair and typing in "DOA" or "3ARC UNLOCK" in the computer. "3ARC ULNOCK" will also unlock all game levels and "Five" if not beaten. quoted from related zombie mode link under Dead Ops Arcade
It's not really a cheat and for the Wii and DS nothing for the PS3 and Xbox 360 it unlocks only the 2 Zombie maps Five and Dead Ops Arcade.
you got to hack it