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Play as Rey Mysterio in the Road to Wrestlemania career mode and complete the following challenges:

Week 3: have Chris Jericho challenge you to a submission match on superstars

Week 4: find the locker room that has Edge and Christian in it and help them find the Los Conquistador outfits And have them let you do a 6 man tag team match with them.

Week 6: have R-truth challenge you to a singles match on Smackdown

Week 9: Evan Bourne vs Randy Orton find Randy in the top locker room to interfere with it

Week 10: Cage match with Hurricane find him in the Bottom locker room before teaming with RVD

WrestleMania if you followed these steps correctly Terry Funk should be in the green room at WrestleMania make sure you talk to him

TIP: Don't forgive Jack Swagger when you do this it will mess this up!

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No, to get him you have to beat Sabu, Sandman, and Tommy Dreamer in an ECW Extreme Rules Fatal-4-Way match using any character on Legendary Difficulty. (From

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15y ago

To unlock Terry Funk on SVR 2008, you have to verse Tommy Dreamer, Sabu and the Sandman with any superstar in a ECW Extreme Rules Fatal Four-Way match on Legend Difficulty.

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Q: How do you unlock terry funk on WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011?
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How do you unlock terry funk?

you cant terry isnt in the game you can create him but he is not in the game i own it and i know he is not in it but Terry funk is in smackdown vs raw 2011

How do you unlock terry funk in WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 for PSP?

In Rey Mysterio's RTWM, win the WrestleMania Challenge against Terry Funk after completing all previous Challenge matches.

Will there be legends in Smackdown vs Raw 2011?

Yep, there will be. You have to unlock them in Road to Wrestlemania. There are chances that you can unlock: Stone Cold, The Rock, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Jimmy Snuka, Terry funk, and Ricky "the Dragon" Steamboat.

How do you get terry funk on smackdown vs raw 2011?

In Rey Mysterio's RTWM, win the WrestleMania Challenge against Terry Funk after completing all previous Challenge matches

Is stonecold on Smackdown vs Raw 2011?

Yep, so is The Rock, Jake "the snake" Roberts, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, Terry funk, and Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka.

What is the birth name of Terry Funk?

Terry Funk's birth name is Terry Dee Funk.

Who can you unlock players in sd vs raw 2011?

The rock stone cold nexus terry funk jimmy snuka rob van dam and that's all folks

How tall is Terry Funk?

Terry Funk is 6' 3".

Where was Terry Funk born?

Terry Funk was born in Amarillo, Texas.

What is Terry Funk's birthday?

Terry Funk was born on June 30, 1944.

When was Terry Funk born?

Terry Funk was born on June 30, 1944.

How do you unlock terry funk on smackdown vs raw 2011?

You have to do all of the challenge matches in Rey Mysterio's RTWM and then talk to him in the Green Room at WrestleMania.Week 3 (Submission Match): JerichoWeek 4 (6 Man Tag): Los ConquistadorsWeek 6 (Singles Match): R TruthWeek 9 (Singles Match): Bourne vs. Orton(talk to Orton in top locker room at Smackdown to set this up)Week 10 (Cage): Hurricane(talk to him in the lower locker room to set this up before teaming up with RVD)WrestleMania (Extreme Rules): Terry Funk (find him in the Green Room)