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It's very simple: You don't. Sorry, dude, but Cowboy Bob Orton is not in SvR2009. You cannot unlock characters that DON'T EXIST.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Rob Van dam is not there in the game of Smackdown vs,you cant unlock him because he is not there.

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14y ago

easy one is hhhs rtwm

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14y ago

you go to options and go to cheat codes and type in SvR2009

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14y ago

you have to complete the hold road to wrestlemania with randy orton

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14y ago

Jack Swagger is not in SVR09. He wasn't in the WWE before June 2008, so he was not in the game. However, he is in SVR10.

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15y ago

u cant he's not even a wrestler anymore

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14y ago

That's impossible. He's not in the game.

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He is not in Svr 2009 but he is in 2010.

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For Kane you have to download him on the ps3 network. And for stone cold and the rock...well u don't and, that's the bottom line

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You can unlock Hornswoggle (as a manager) by entering the cheat code HornswoggleAsManager.

What is the cheat to unlock everything in SVR 2009 for ps2?

It does not exist and is a myth

In SvR 2009 how do you unlock tony?

complete cena's road to wrestlemania

How do you unlock elimonation chamber on svr 2009?

You have to beat Road To Wrestlemania