Beat Cody Rhodes at wrestlemania in Randy Orton's Road To Wreatlemania The KO Dusty After The Match And You'll Get Him
you play randy orton's road to wrestlemania. in the wrestle mania match you pin cody rhodes. after you pin him dusty will have a match with you. you use a rko on him. and then you pin him.
how do you unlock mick foley in smackdown v.s. raw 2009
on wwe 2010 how do you unlock casket match
Trish Stratus is not in SmackDown vs. Raw 2009.
It will be in DLC pack 3. The release date isn't revealed yet.
you have to complete randy ortans road to wrestlemania and use dusty Rhodes as a hostage
You have to do Randy ortons road to wrestlemania i can't remember what part but try to do all of the optional goals.
stone cold Steve Austin,the rock , bob orton, dusty Rhodes, million dollar man.
Play Randy Orton in RTWM and when you have a choice to use Million Dollar Man or Dusty Rhodes as a hostage you choose Dusty. Then you just finish the game and the American Dream is yours.
you play randy orton's road to wrestlemania. in the wrestle mania match you pin cody rhodes. after you pin him dusty will have a match with you. you use a rko on him. and then you pin him.
In Orton's RTWM, defeat Cody at Wrestlemania and K.O. Dusty after the match.
they don't put the old wrestlers on the new games only the ones that are on t.v.
the rock, stone cold, ted dibiase sr. , dusty rhodes, trish stratus
there's green guy and red guy from the move-sets, million dollar man, dusty rhodes, bob orton, and the rock( unlock using cheat code TheGreatOne case sensitive).
To get Bob Orton, Dusty Rhodes and The Million Dollar man you have to do Ortons RTWM.At Wrestlemania, depending on who you pin, you will have to ko their father to unlock them. For example, lets say you pin Ted DiBiase, Jr. at WM. After the match you will have to KO The Million Dollar Man to unlock him. To unlock The Rock complete Edge's RTWM.To get Trish Stratus, Complete Mickie James RTWM.
He is not in Smackdown vs Raw 2010.
Dusty Rhodes Million Dollar man Ted Dibiase Ace Cowboy Bob Orton i dont think she counts as a legend but Thrish Stratus The Rock