You need to have The Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Pack and a level 55 character.
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I would say a boy from the song.... Wubbzy: Wow! Wow! Everyone! My name is Wubbzy!Wubbzy lives in a tree. He likes to play! Play! Play!He's got a bendy tailAnd he likes it that way!Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!Wubbzy! Wubbzy! Wow! Wow!Widget is his friendShe likes to buildShe hammers and she sawsAnd her toolbox is filledWow! Wow! Wubbzy!Wubbzy! Wubbzy! Wow! Wow!Walden is their friendHe's really smartHe knows about scienceAnd books and artWow! Wow! Wubbzy!Wubbzy! Wubbzy! Wow! Wow!Wubbzy and Widget and Walden are friendsWow! Wow! Wubbzy!Wubbzy! Wubbzy! Wow! Wow!And when they are together the fun never endsWow! Wow! Wubbzy!Wubbzy! Wubbzy! Wow! Wow!Wow! Wow!Wow! Wow! Wow!Wubbzy: Wow!
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You can watch Wow Wow Wubbzy on Noggin, a television station especially for small children.
Yes, to get a death knight, you must already have a character which is level 55 or higher on the server you wish to create the death knight.
in my opinion, rogue
That's what people say about him.He is a legend.
You can have a maximum of 1 Death Knight per server. That includes both factions. 1 per server.
To make a Death Knight character, all you need is a level 55 character on any server. From that moment on, Death Knight becomes available as a class choice on any server when you make a new character. A freshly created Death Knight will start at level 55 in the Eastern Plaguelands, in a special phased leveling zone.
As long as you have one level 55 (any class or race) on any server on your account, you can make a Death Knight. But you need to keep at least one level 55. Now, if you have a level 55 character, make a Death Knight, and want to delete the character you had, then you can.
The only current Hero Class in World of Warcraft is the Death Knight. When you have a level 55 character on any server on an account, you will be able to choose the Death Knight as class option in the character creation screen. You can have only one Death Knight per server.
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Death Knight armor is unlockable from Artix in Doomwood/Necropolis, after you complete the quest chain. You will need to have unlocked Paladin and Necromancer first, the Death Knight armor is trained in the same way.
You can have as many death knights as you want on your account, but you can only have 1 death knight per server (example: you have 5 death knights - 1 is on agamaggan, 1 is on doomhammer, etc.)
Any race can be a Deathknight. The only choices you have to make is what faction you want it to be, Horde or Alliance, and race. There is also no "best" race for a Death Knight. At the level DK's start, there is not any appreciable different in the passive racial abilities.