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Well, obviously you can't be Hermione Granger, but you can act like her!

Step 1: Be yourself- that's what Hermione always does

Step 2: Practise, practise, practice- practice makes perfect, and then you will absolutely be like her

Step 3: Have friends- in the first part of the first book, Hermione doesn't have friends, but then she learns to relax about breaking rules, and becomes much nicer for it.

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14y ago
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12y ago

First and Second Year:

Astronomy, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfigurations, Potions, History of Magic and Herbology

Third Year:

Astronomy, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfigurations, Potions, History of Magic, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy, Muggle Studies, Ancient Runes and Divination.

At first, in her third year, she tried all the classes which she achieved by using a time turner to repeat hours. However, at Easter she walked out of Divination believing it to be pointless and at the end of the year, she decides to drop Muggle Studies so she can have a normal timetable for the next two years.

Fourth and Fifth Year:

Astronomy, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfigurations, Potions, History of Magic, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy and Ancient Runes.

Sixth Year:

Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Herbology, Charms and Transfiguration.

In what would have been her seventh year, Hermione left school to help defeat Lord Voldemort and so the subjects she studied are unknown. However, she did return the final year and as sixth and seventh year are both used for the N.E.W.T level examinations, it can be presumed that she studied the same subjects as she did in her sixth year.

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12y ago

To be like Hermione you should have bushy brown hair, you must be the smartest witch of your age, you must be very brave and always stick by your friends and last but not least you should be totally frickin awesome to be like Hermione.

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14y ago

Reading a lot should help.

Hermione is a fictional character which means she does not exist in real life. If you want to be smart, study in school and listen to your teachers. If there is a subject like math, science, or art that you love and feel passionate about, do like the first person suggested and read all you can about that subject. Try to make the best grades you can and remember you are not competing with everyone else, but aiming for the best you that you can be. Consider going to college or university to study whatever subject interests you the most. If you want to be an artist, nurse, teacher, scientist, Scuba diver, mountain climber or anything you choose -- read about it. Learn about it and see if your parents or teachers can help you find someone that does the work you want to do after school and see if you can talk to that person and learn about their job and why they love it.

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14y ago

Basically you should try to "be yourself", not imitate somebody else. Of course, you can imitate certain positivecharacteristics of certain people you admire. One such characteristic in Hermione Granger is that she studies a lot.

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9y ago

Hermione Granger learned by reading books on the subject, making detailed notes in class and then revising this information. Before learning a new spell, Hermione would learn the theory.

It is important to note that everybody learns in different ways. For example, when Harry was struggling to learn Accio, Hermione insisted that he learn the theory. This did not work and Harry eventually learned the spell after spending three days practising at all available moments (the threat of a dragon probably helped).

It is important that you discover your own method of studying. What works for somebody else may not work for you. Use the internet to look for ideas, the way you study will depend on what type of learner you are.

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13y ago

Well, to be intelligent would be one, and to have her hair might be another!

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12y ago

By studying hard, remembering everything you have learned, and to focus on what you're studying. Simple!

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