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Harry Potter has used two unforgivable curses. In the Order of the Phoenix he used the Cruciatus curse on Bellatrix Lestrange, then in the Deathly Hallows he used the Imperius curse to break into Gringotts.

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15y ago

Harry Potter has used two unforgivable curses. In the Order of thePhoenix he used the Cruciatus curse on Bellatrix Lestrange, then inthe Deathly Hallows he used the Imperius curse to break intoGringotts.

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12y ago

He tried to use the Cruciatus curse on Bellatrix Lestrange and Severus Snape but wasn't able to. Harry successfully cast the curse on Amycus Carrow after he spat on Minerva McGonagall's face.

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12y ago

Avada Kedavra (The killing curse) a-VAH-dah ke-DAH-vra

Crucio (The Cruciatus curse) KROO-see-oh

Imperio (The Imperius curse) im-PEER-ee-oh

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15y ago

I believe he practiced 2 of the 3 at some time or another. He used both the Imperius curse and the Cruciatus curse, but I don't remember him trying the Killing Curse.

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There is no such character in Harry Potter.

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Daniel Radcliffe has starred in all of the Harry Potter movies as Harry Potter.

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Harry James Potter. Daniel Radcliffe plays Harry Potter in all the films.

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What are all the potter movies?

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