Its not the shocker obviously whoever said that is off by a long shot. he's showing the Memphis sign. therefore putting the middle finger and pinky finger up, you have the ring finger that's half up, giving the illusion of an "M". P.S. to the person who thought it was the shocker the shocker is the pointer finger that is added"2 for the pink, 1 for the stink
You put it on your ring finger. That is the finger that the wedding ring goes on.
No, it isn't good etiquette to point your pinkie, or little finger, anywhere at all when drinking tea. It is considered bad manners. Put your index finger through the handle up to the second joint, your thumb outside the handle, while your second finger helps support the handle from underneath. Just let your third (ring finger) and fourth (little finger or pinkie) fingers rest naturally without pointing them anywhere.
He lost it while building a playhouse for his daughter.
It is the forefinger of his right hand. The book specifically mentions this by saying he had to point with his middle finger because he lacked an index finger.
Because if you listen to the song, he says stop f***ing with me. As he says that, Janet put the middle finger up indicting it
No he put up the peace sign up.
No, Edward does not put his middle finger up at Emmett in Twilight. Their interactions are typically more respectful and restrained in the series.
Yes, she does. Not all the time, but sometimes.
because he is swearing
Yes one time he put up the middle finger.
Put up your hand and keep your ring finger and pinkie finger together. Your middle finger, index finger, and your thumb should be together, keeping the two sets apart from each other. That's how you say hello in alien language. Put up your hand and keep your ring finger and your middle finger together. Your pinkie finger, index finger, and thumb should be extended from the ring and middle finger, leaving them alone in the middle. That's how you say goodbye in alien language. Much obliged for y'all listening! Say hi to all of your fellow Nepturians.
Step one: Grow arms Step two: Grow fingers Step three: Put the finger on the left of your right hand middle finger out then run it into something or Put the finger on the right of your middle finger out and run it into something Tip (Put All Fingers Down Except Finger on right or left of middle finger)
put your middle finger on the tail anb your index finger in the middle of the board do a ollie motion but make your middle finger guide the board into a backwards flip and land it
No its her ring finger :P not her middle finger
yes it means that and you will be going to hell if you do it. dont put your middle finger up it means you are cursing at allah.
The middle finger represents a swear. When sticking it up, this is equivalent to saying a swear; F***! :S