you have to go to a website to publish a rap song. i write rap songs and i have fun i just have to publish one and I'm rich.
There are a number of ways to get a song published. It depends on where and how you're wanting it to get published, though. If you're looking on how to copywright it, then you should visit and request the SR form for audio recordings or form TX for any written document that you wish to have copywrighted. Now, publishing. There's a number of websites that you can publish written works on, including songs. Some are and one used by a lot of artists is Now, for audio recordings, you should contact record companies. Research what companies put out the type of music you play, for example, Avril is with Arista records, Breaking Benjamin is with Hollywood Records, Slipknot and Nickelback are with Roadrunner, and Seether, Evanesence, Alter Bridge, and Smile Empty Soul are with Wind-Up records. It would probably be best to start with a smaller, local company, though, just to get your feet wet. For a small fee, Moses Avalon ( ) will answer just about any questions you may have. He's the world's leading expert when it comes to legalities concerning music. If nothing else, you can sign up for his news letter at no charge. Millennial Magazine ( also has a "music" section where you can get your song published. It is a popular user generated wikizine where you can have the song up online quickly. Don't waste your time trying to get through to big labels. Instead find a small indie label to publish you. You won't get the exposure you would with a bigger record label, but believe it or not, you can actually make more money this way because the expenses are less and you won't have to pay back nearly as much before you can start raking in the royalties. I also recommend learning about self-publishing. Do a search on the 'net or find a book on the subject.
Rihanna published the song Please Don't Stop the Music on January 25, 2008. It was published by Michael Kerner.
My Own Worst Enemy - song - was created in 1998.
If the song is COMPLETELY your own - the music, then sure.
Pixie Lott was the first person to publish music.
The publish date of the book New Moon is September 6,2006.
2014 and monkey
Yes, many self-publish as shareware.
You can get published either through traditional publishers or self-publish. "Publishing" can be as simple as making pdfs available on your own website.
Publish it.
If you self-publish, you have to pay for it. If you sell your story and artwork, you get paid for it.
A software for cutting parts of a song should do it
Around 1793.