anime- an-ih-may
manga: m-ahn-gah
I've heard of two ways for each:
manga might be maung-ga like the au in caught. or mang-ga like the ang in boomerang
anime might me ah-ni-may (same as it looks here.), or an-i-may, with the an like the an from and.
I guess that doesn't help much. /_\
From the Japanese spelling in hiragana
i'd say it's pronounced
I say a-neeem and mine-gah but I'm from NI so I probably pronounce it different lol
It is basically Anime some people here say anime manga but anime and manga is different. Manga is like a comic but black and white and you read it from right to left. and anime basically means animation in Japanese. So yeah...
Totally Spies is an anime. manga are the actual comic strips, anime are the TV shows.
If you are looking for an anime character that is a nurse, in Pokemon, the name of the (anime/manga) nurse is Nurse Melanie. :)
Yukirin is an anime/manga artist.
it is the Japanese word for half demon. it is mentioned in Inuyasha manga and Anime it is the Japanese word for half demon. it is mentioned in Inuyasha manga and Anime
It is both anime and manga
most anime are based from manga.
Anime grew out of manga. Manga is pictures and comics while Anime is a film although they both look almost identical anime programmes are sometimes based on manga comics
No, anime and manga are two different forms of media. Anime refers to animated TV shows or movies, while manga refers to Japanese comic books or graphic novels. Anime often adapts manga series into animated form.
It's a manga that was also adapted into an anime.
The Negima anime leaves off at around chapter 176 of the manga. Therefore, the manga chapter that comes right after the anime is chapter 177.
They aren't in a anime or manga book. They're from Vocaloids.
It is basically Anime some people here say anime manga but anime and manga is different. Manga is like a comic but black and white and you read it from right to left. and anime basically means animation in Japanese. So yeah...
An anime series does not of necessity start with manga . Manga usually generates enough interest to spawn an anime series ; the two are not mutually exclusive .
Totally Spies is an anime. manga are the actual comic strips, anime are the TV shows.
Some titles of action manga that have no anime adaption are Silver Spoon (manga) and Nana (manga).
Japan is the only country who creates manga and anime. anything simmilar in other countries isn't manga or anime it is simply comics and cartoons in anime and manga styles