it is the Japanese word for half demon. it is mentioned in Inuyasha manga and Anime
it is the Japanese word for half demon. it is mentioned in Inuyasha manga and Anime
she never does. but there's a picture of her from fanart
hanyou is the japenese word for half demon Im japanses but i never hers of "hanyou" ...if you want to say half demon in japanses then you shouls say " Akuma no half "
"Whispers in the Wind" by The Anime Nut is a fan fiction story where Kagome turns into a half-demon like Inuyasha.
She doesnt. She is still human at the end of the series, and she will remain that way.
No. Being only half demon he does not have a tail. His father and brother did, but he does not.
I don't know how she could be hanyou unless her mother is a miko and her father is a could be cuz no one has seen her father at all...they say he died, but who to say he wasn't a demon...Kagome could be one...if that was the case she would be powerful, she has to could be that she is not yet awakened... It was a rumor. Someone started saying in movie 4 she used the shikon to become a hanyou like Inu. This person had a picture for proof. It was a lie. The picture showed a daughter. That is also a lie. People, you need to think about things before you believe them. Honestly, Ive seen the picture, and it was much too good to be a screenshot :D. (cutekitty545) the person who wrote this is right
I don't know how she could be hanyou unless her mother is a miko and her father is a could be cuz no one has seen her father at all...they say he died, but who to say he wasn't a demon...Kagome could be one...if that was the case she would be powerful, she has to could be that she is not yet awakened... It was a rumor. Someone started saying in movie 4 she used the shikon to become a hanyou like Inu. This person had a picture for proof. It was a lie. The picture showed a daughter. That is also a lie. People, you need to think about things before you believe them. Honestly, Ive seen the picture, and it was much too good to be a screenshot :D. (cutekitty545) the person who wrote this is right
probably inuyash because inuyaha can take alot of damage like in one episode inuyasha gets a hole throught his gut and survivesand the sailor scouts are no match for a hanyou(half-demon)
Sesshomaru? Lord Sesshomaru of the West Sesshomaru?save InuYasha the hanyou?*snorts* lol good oneSrsly tho,it only ever happened once, and even then it was questionable whether that was his actual actions or if it was an accident.InuYasha; Swords of an Honorable Ruler (the 4th movie)
he would probably be blunt and to the point. 'You being a hanyou has caused *insert bad news here*. Prepare to die.'Think about Sesshomaru's character, he doesn't particularly care, he is obsessed with his power conquest.
Your right when it comes to the inu bit, that is dog, and a lot of people do get confused and give different translations, but an actual Japanese person said to me, that 'Yasha' really means, 'forest spirit'.... so that's what i think it is. its not girl dog or demon, and obvious reaosns why not are, one because we already know that inuyasha himself is a guy and i don't think makers of inuyasha would call him a girl name purposely if they made him a guy, and two inuyasha is a half demon/hanyou, so it wouldn't make sense to call him a dog demon. :D that's my anaylsis ED ^ ^ x x x (sorry its so long) Yasha is formed from two kanji: "Ya" means "night" in this case & "sha" means "person". I believe together they're supposed to mean "demon", or something similar.