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First, let's split the word 'konohagakure' into japanese syllables:

Ko No Ha Ga Ku Re

How to pronounce each syllable:

Ko - Ko with a U sound on the end (Like the world Cold, but not pronouncing the ld part)

No - Just say No

Ha - Ha with a H sound on the end (Rhymes with Bah)

Ga - Ga with a H sound on the end (Rhymes with Bah)

Ku - Ku with a slight W sound on the end as Ku joins with Re to form Kure (Rhymes with Moo)

Re - Re with a H sound on the end (Rhymes with the word Meh)

Put that together and you get Konohagakure.

If you are unsure about the pronounciation listed above, my advice is to watch the first few episode of Naruto in Japanese with English subtitles.

Hope this helps, KaelDragonKnight (Big Naruto fan, dattebayo!)

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