Steve Chia was born on 1970-11-03.
like "see saw" i would think.
Ewen Chia is most known for his successful career in marketing. He is a millionaire who has gained his fame and money from his online marketing skills.
hell yeah
chia seeds
For the seed chia it is the same: "semilla de chia"
Amber Chia's birth name is Chia Lee Peng.
A Chia seed in Japan is still called a chia seed. Chia seeds come from a plant that grows in Mexico.
Yes, you can bake with chia seeds. Some delicious recipes that incorporate chia seeds include chia seed muffins, chia seed banana bread, and chia seed energy bars.
Geoffrey Chia is the star of Chia Bomber 2 on Neopets.
Chia seeds are called Falooda in Punjabi
The ideal chia to water ratio for making chia pudding is typically 1:4, meaning 1 part chia seeds to 4 parts liquid.
you pronouce it like Dillie-more...something like that:P
The Gujarati word for chia seeds is tukmaria. Chia seeds are small beige and brown seeds that have a wealth of nutrition in them.