Ocean's Three and a Half
There is an episode, "Family Goy" where Peter tears apart Stewies crib and uses the pieces to make a giant cross for Lois.
You can copy and paste this: Я
If you're talking about the episode 'We Love You, Conrad' (UK Season 8/US Season 7), in which the following conversation takes place - Stewie: So, did you break up with Lauren? Brian: No, I didn't. As a matter of fact, she's coming over for dinner tonight. Stewie: Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? - then it's just a humorous way of saying "Say what?" that I'm guessing isn't referencing anything. It's been used on Family Guy before; Peter is drawing on the glass of an octopus' tank with a permanent marker to make it look like the octopus has a comical expression. He says: "And I'm going to draw one eyebrow raised so it looks like he's saying 'Say whaaaaaaaaaaat?'" Hope this helps! :D I believe Seth use the "Say What" from a tv show that use to be on MTV called "Clone High" where Ghandi would say "Say What" just like stewie did in this episode. I could be wrong
you can make these symbols ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + [ ] { } [ ] | : " < > ? * - + = \ ; ' . , / ` ~
yes we can make a dolphin out of keyboard symbols by pressing k,a,i,n,a,t
this is a rat out of a keyboard <:3 )~
Yes, you can mke pikachu out of keyboard symbols. it's like this . . . `;-. ___, `.`\_...._/`.-"` \ / , /() () \ .' `-._ |) . ()\ / _.' \ -'- ,; '. < ;.__ ,;| > \ / , / , |.-'.-' (_/ (_/ ,;|.<` \ , ;-` > \ / (_,-'`> .' (_,' or this: ,___ .-;' `"-.`\_...._/`.` , \ / .-' ', / () ()\ `'._ \ /() . (| > .' ;, -'- / / < |;, __.; '-.'-.| , \ , \ `>.|;, \_) \_) `-; , / \ / < '. <`'-,_) '._)
You can't do that on a keyboard
how do you make spongebob squarepants from keybored symbols
_____,^==-----¬_/|___ )_,.--'''[ µ"\\_****"""""""""
(\___/) (=•.•=) (")___(") cat