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The novels never went into great detail in this matter, but it is mentioned that wands are made by hand by Ollivander. (please excuse my spelling on his name.)

[Edit by Lilynette to correct Ollivander's spelling ;) ]

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

The simplest way to get a Harry Potter wand is to buy one, but if you want to make your own individual wand, you'll need a carving knife, wood (usually either ash, oak, rosewood, or elder), and, if you want to get creative, something that looks like a phoenix feather (probably from a cardinal feather), dragon heartstrings (you'll have to get creative here...), or unicorn hair (long white hair probably would do best).

After you collect your wanted items, you can cut the wood to look like a normal Harry Potter wand, and if you gathered the feather, heartstrings, or hair, you could cut a hole in the wood and slip it in there, then superglue some more wood over the hole, or get a handle from a cane used by older people and put it on the end.

If you want to get really fancy, you could polish the wand with wood stain, let it dry, and voila~

Hope this helped... xD

Here is another way

Get a piece of paper and a pencil. Put the pencil at the tip of the paper and roll it in the paper diagonally, pressing one side harder than the other. Then lather the paper with glue so that it doesn't come apart. After the glue dries, get a hot glue gun and make any design you want. After that dries, paint the wand any color you like and maybe polish the wand with wood stain.

Have fun and hope this helped!

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Neville used his father's wand during the first part of the series. It was broken during the battle at the Department of Mysteries. His grandmother bought him a new wand. It was made by Ollivander out of cherry wood, with a unicorn hair core.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Both wands have a phoenix feather core and they come from the same phoenix. Voldemort's wand was made of yew, and Harry's was made of holly.

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Harry Potter's wand is Holly and Phoenix feather, 11 inches long.

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If your question is about Harry Potter's world, then it is the Elder Wand.

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If you are referring to how much it would cost in the books, it is unknown as the wand Dumbledore had in the books was the Elder's Wand, which he did not buy. It could however be priceless in the wizarding world as it is the most powerful wand to exist and was used by some of the most powerful and dark wizards in wizarding history.