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you could draw ordinary day items and just elaborate on shapes etc. to make them wacky and over the top.

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Q: How do you illustrate the word creative?
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Related questions

Is illustrate a pronoun?

No, the word illustrate is a verb (illustrates, illustrating, illustrated).

What is the root word for illustration?

The root word for "illustration" is "illustrate," which comes from the Latin word "illustrare," meaning "to lighten" or "to illuminate."

does the word ghoti exist?

Yes this word exists. This is a creative respelling of the word fish, used to illustrate irregularities in English spelling and pronunciation. In 1855, an Englishman named William Ollier reportedly recommended that we all learn to spell “fish” this way: ghoti.

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What is the Greek word for Creative?

The Greek word for "creative" is "δημιουργικός" (dimiourgikós).

What is a sentence example that uses the word illustrate?

It's jack's job to illustrate the new book. Let me illustrate with a real life example.

What is the tagalog of illustrate?

Ipaliwanag o Ilarawan..... TRUST me this is TRUE.....

What is the difference between abbreviate and illustrate?

This is abbreviate -->. (example). And illustrate is to paint a word picture or a literal picture.

What is the Irish Gaelic word for Creative?

Cruthaitheach is creative.

How do you say creative in norwegian?

The Norwegian word for "creative" is "kreativ".

What are two synonyms for the word creative?

creative imaginitive, inventive