Enjoy it. Not everyone is going to be amazing with their first kiss, which is why it's your first- for practice. If you want a little more knowledge on how to kiss, just kiss your pillow, it works!
Depends. You kiss them or they kiss you first. Whoever's braver. It's probably just like a kiss really fast thing if they've never done it before. Then they get better.
Smile, then close your eyes, tilt your head, lean forward. . .kiss.
1. Get alone...never around a big crowed of people, it just holds you back.
2. Make sure its with the right person, you only have ONE first kiss.
3. Guys should make the first move...it can be akward when the girl does.
4. Start with a simple hug.
5. Guys should do almost all of the work.
6. Guy leans in 90% & Girl leans in 10%.
7. Lips meet.
8. If it gets a little heavy & you include tongue.
9. Make sure you have somthing (anything) planned for after the kiss, you dont want that akward moment after.
10. Dont kiss someone, then tell the whole world.
if you want to surprise him/her
you need to first set the mood. (lighting, maybe music etc.)
then get him/her seated NEXT TO YOU in a comfortable position
see how they react: if they look uncomfortable, THEY ARE NOT READY TO KISS! if they look calm, then continue
GUYS: put arm around them
GALS: lean in closer to them
suggest a movie (don't make it obvious by choosing a romance, maybe a ROMCOM?)
as you are watching, you will start to relax and feel comfortable
wait for a time in the movie when you both look at each other
lean in
be careful not to breathe out of your mouth
close your eyes
start to kiss softly
rely on them to tell you when the kiss is over. if they pull away, PULL AWAY, if they don't DONT!
continue if they don't pull away
after a short while, start to open your lips (they should too)
put your arms around them
start to apply more pressure
start to move your head a little
if this is where it ends GOOD JOB!
if not...
push the tip of your tongue into their mouth (they should do the same)
rub your hands on their back
you will start to become more and more passionate
when it seems right, start to moan. this lets them know you're ready...
If you are desperate for a kiss and you know this person farely well, be unfront and ask! Stranger Things than this have happened and you never know, they might see it as a turn on. If you arn't so confident with asking, indicate by little things that you are interested in kissing them. Sit closer to them, listen to what they have to say, stare into their eyes or look at their lips. Continuously lick your lips, rub your wrists. If you want to make it more obvious lean into them ever so subtly and touch their arm. Any contact is always a good sign. Just go for it, you never know what might happen! Goodluck
Only have your first kiss when your ready because it is something truly special. I'm 13 and I had mine when I was 12. I'm still with the same boy. We've been dating for 8 months now. I'm glad I waited longer than all my other friends because I was actually ready and not as nervous. Just breath, relax. If you really, truly like the person, it will come natural. Just make sure you close your eyes, staring at them while you kiss will just creep the person out. Other than that, I'm sure you'll be just fine.(:
Naruto was twelve when he had his first kiss. His first kiss was an accidental kiss with Sasuke.
Justin Bieber was 11 or 12 when he got his first kiss
There is no first episode that Naruto and Hinata kiss because they don't kiss.
Luke benward first kiss was with densye tonts in his movie diamond dog
you wait for the guy to kiss you. make him want to kiss you. be suductive
Naruto was twelve when he had his first kiss. His first kiss was an accidental kiss with Sasuke.
It is sought of up to you. when i got my first kiss i made the first move...
Kiss - Kiss.
You and your boyfriend/girlfriend choose what your first kiss is going to be.
her first kiss was on Screen .. her first kiss was on suite life of zack and cody ...
His first kiss was in 2008
First Kiss was created in 2001.
My First Kiss was created in 2008.
First Kiss Stories happened in 2003.
no, you save the first kiss forever if it is a good cold kiss! I can;t get enough of the kiss I miss!
You kiss her first. Then she'll know that you want her to kiss you and since she wants to kiss you it will work out. But first you call her hot and cute and pretty and sexy and she will kiss you.