use my gmail account called celly.yoon and my pass is unicorn36 you sould find it in my draft
whitmers lighting
by asking wiki answers i suppose, just be specific when it comes to the name of the commercial and what state its in
I am trying to find the ad that aired on TV for PLJ that had color changing clouds and a segment of an ELP song, same commercial?
It's a, DSTV commercial
Any axe commercial
whitmers lighting
probally the drug store if not watch tv and when you find the commercial get the #
You can find it on channel 156
It's a Budlight Commercial. You can find it on YouTube because that's where I watched it at.
by asking wiki answers i suppose, just be specific when it comes to the name of the commercial and what state its in
I am trying to find the ad that aired on TV for PLJ that had color changing clouds and a segment of an ELP song, same commercial?
It depends on the commercial I would check Yahoo, Youtube, and Google.
This commercial is using glittering generalities.
association with celebrities
One can find a commercial for Fedex when one goes on you tube. There are certain options to choose from, like Fedex Office TV Ad "Candidates"', or "First Team Gathering", and other funny Fedex commericals.
I just saw this on TV, that guy is HOT
Perhaps a television those whipper snappers are using these days.