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for the sprit bomb with goku krillin and gohan they have to be on your team for it to work goku has to die then buttons will show up then put in those buttons n it has to hit n u and him have to be on the ground for the bro. Kamehameha put big gohan super sayin gohan and goten they have to be at low life in the red zone

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13y ago
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14y ago

You get the person to one bar of health left. Then you use a super or ultimante attack with certain people on your team, with the exception of Goku, Krillin, and(or) kid Gohan.Here is a list:

Piccolo and Goku with special beam cannon= full nelson special beam cannon

Goku and Krillin= (when Goku dies) Fusion spirit bomb

Goku and Krillin and Gohan= reflection spirit bomb

Burter and Jeice blue hurricane= purple comet

Burter and Jeice crusher bai= purple comet

SSj Gohan and SSj Goten super kamehemaha= bros kamehameha

SSj Goten and SSj Gohan super kamehameha= bros kamehameha

SSj3 Gotenks and Piccolo ultra bu bu volleyball slam= tag team ultra bu bu volleyball slam

Android 17 and Android 18 full power energy ball= non stop violence

Android 17 and Android 18 sadistic 18= sadistic dance

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13y ago

first u need to have a team that could do a team attack like goku and piccolo to do special beam cannon trap. then choose a victim. fight the enemy until their life thing gets to one bar(their picture would be red) if u r usin piccolo do special beam cannon then u will see boost (it usually says to pull RT +X on xbox360 and sometimes says R2)u will see goku come in the back of the person and trap the victim

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15y ago

by clicking down youur right joystick or also know as R3

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Complete all galaxies for everyone.

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u don't

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