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In the classrom:

1. Click on the door with the hand icon

2. Pick up the dog and head to the very left door( Principle Office)

Principle Office:

1. Click on the note with the hand icon

2. Click on the glass cup. You'll need it later

3. Exit and head to the next door beside it.

Music Room:

1. Click on the lighter on the piano

2. Get the triangles on the right.

3. Leave the room and go to the next door beside it.


1. Get the battery on the floor.

2. Get the hidden glass cup behind the cupboard.

3. Get the poison on the shelf.

4.Get the trolley.

5.Click on the poison in your inventory and then click on the glass cup. Do it to the other cup.

6. Leave

Near the 1st death door ( Itchy and Scratchy)

1. Place the trolley in the hall near the door.

2. Place the 2 poison filled cup on the trolley

3. Click on the trolley and do the hand icon.

4.After the scene, enter the room.

The 1st death room

1.Collect the bomb.

2. Once in the next room, quickly click on the triangle and click on the alien ( Whatever you do, DO NOT TOUCH the green thing.)

The 2nd death room

1. Collect the phone charger

2. Go to the next room.

Next Room

1. Get the phone.

2. Go back to the principle office

Principle Office

1.Click on the phone charger and click on the outlet.

2.Grab the phone and click on the end of the charger wire.

3. Wait for 5 seconds before removing the phone

4. Go back to the room where you got the phone.

Next Room

1. Go up.

Near Moe's Tavern

1. Use the lighter to catch the bin on fire

2. Place the skateboard on the floor

3. Dial Moe (282930 )

4. Say the last option ( The building is on fire! Everyone get out!)

5.When Moe slips, retrieve the skateboard and go to his Tavern.

Moe's Tavern

1.Obtain the white mask voodoo doll.


Back to the room

1. Place the skateboard on the floor.

2. Place the bomb in the voodoo doll.

3.Place the voodoo bomb on the skateboard

4. Light it up with the lighter

5. Click on the skateboard with the hand icon

6. After the scene, go to the up room.

7. You must be quick like the alien one. Once you're trapped, click on the dog on the floor.

8.Double click on the cabinet, then click on the lamp, then on the shelf and then Bowling ball. Use the mouth icon to chew the rope (Click on the rope and then do the mouth icon)

9. Retrieve the pincer behind the cabinet

10. Go back to the alien room

Alien Room

1. Use the pincer to obtain the green thing.

2.Insert it on the battery

3.Go to the room where you encounter the bully and go to the next room.

Near Sideshow bob's room

1. Place the battery on the last wire

2. Enter the room

Sideshow bob's room

1. Do every last option for the conversation

2. The radioactive battery shocks him and drops the knife

3.Click on the knife and then click on the knife in the inventory and click on the rope.

4. The lantern on the roof has the code to exit out.

5. Enter it in the code and You're Free!

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Bart Simpson Saw 2 is an online puzzle adventure game that can be quite tedious. There are many items you need to get to be able to complete the game. There are also many great sites to visit to get the full walkthrough. You can visit or

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βˆ™ 12y ago

go in the room with instruments then pick up the triangle, when you come face to face with him use the triangle and he EXPLODES!

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βˆ™ 13y ago

you light the bomb in the itchy and scratchy room then you kick it into the squid room

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βˆ™ 7y ago

Just search, "Homer Simpson saw game walkthrough" and you'll find comprehensive videos and text to assist you in completing the game.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

Just search, "Lisa Simpson saw game walkthrough" and you'll find comprehensive videos and text to assist you in completing the game.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
See Provided Link for a complete walkthrough
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βˆ™ 11y ago

lisa simpson saw game

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How do you beat the Bart Simpson saw games?

Bart Simpson Saw 2 is an online puzzle adventure game that can be quite tedious. There are many items you need to get to be able to complete the game. There are also many great sites to visit to get the full walkthrough. You can visit or

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There's the Simpsons Arcade game which has never been ported to home console. Homer, Marge, Lisa and Bart are all playable characters, and the game plays as a side-scrolling beat-em-up like Golden Axe.

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"Marge Be Not Proud" , 11th episode from the 7th season .

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Is there such game as the game that marge Simpson plays with Bart in one of the episodes?

Yes there is. If you are talking about the RPG game that Marge plays with Bart then the real life version would be World Of Warcraft. This game is extremely similar to the game they play in the show. Actually that game is real. Just write the game name to internet and it comes there. (I´m from Finland)

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