in episode 6 when they destroyed the second death star and that luke skywalker beat the emperor
That's hard to say. If it was Justice League vs Avengers, Justice League would win by far. In a crossover event Superman beat Hulk, Batman beat Captain America, Flash beat quicksilver, Spider-Man beat Superboy, Wolverine beat Lobo, Thor beat Shazam, Aquaman beat Sub-Mariner, Silver Surfer beat Kyle Rayner Green Lantern(No surprise he's a chump compared to Hal Jordan Green Lantern), Elektra beat Catwoman, Wonder Woman would have beaten Storm with Thor's hammer but decided it would not be honorable and dropped the hammer and lost, and Robin beat Jubilee.
yes there is alot of unlockable charachers like fox,lucario,kirby,and much more and the ultimate one tabuu he is very hard to beat
American Wrestling Alliance (AWA) World Heavyweight belt
it's called a beat
let you beat it let you beat it
at the end you fight the kraken
You have to defeat Nick Fury to win the game.
Fight and try to beat the game one of the levels have him beat it and you will get it
Yes you Can, but you have to beat the first stage in the game.
You have to beat the whole game in medium or hard. Just like when you beat it in easy you get Nanite Nick Fury
After defeating Doom in Marvel Ultimate Alliance, you can continue playing to complete side quests, unlock additional characters, and collect all collectibles. You can also try playing in different difficulty modes or explore other game modes like challenges or simulator missions.
by eating dogs
beat him in act 3.
you can get gambit after you beat electro
you have to beat asgard
well, you go into the tent in "doom's castle" [which is a fake castle] and beat the pitfall game, then you go to the next door and you have just entered the pinball machine