Hair: 16: Style 2: 6, -4, 16, -47 or hair 28: Style 2: -27, 21, -43 or -59, 21, -43 or -96, 76, -20
*Head Morphing:*
Head: 10, 4, 6
Forehead: -8, -19, 28, -19
Eye Type: 1: -66, 37, 2
Eyelashes: Default
Eyebrows: 19: 100, 0, 11
Lips: 12: -97, -11, -11
Teeth: Default
Skin Tone: 4: Default color
Skin Aging: 0
*Face Morphing*
Eyebrows: -94, -77, 54, 26
Eyes: 0, -21, 20, -33, -38, -14, -22
Nose: -31, -42, -38, 11, -67, 33, -40, 48
Cheeks: -41, -51, -33, -50
Mouth: 15, -1, 18, -19, 27, -49, -32
Jaw: -40, -27, 20, -45, 48, -50
Ears: 32, 0, -14, -8
Height: 187 cm
*Body Type*
Body Morphing-
Neck: -21, -37, -19
Chest: -7, -11, -11
Shoulders: -36, -21, -37
Abdomen: 1, -3, -11
Waist: 10, 5
Arms: -27, -27, -12
Hands: -17, -9, -19
Legs: -34, -4, -6
Feet: Default
Attire 1: Studio Armpaint
09. Underwear: Default
10. Facepaint: 36: 88, 42, -39, 27
11. Sideburns: 6: Default color
12. Goatee: 6: 100, 0, -5, 100
13. Symbols: 130: 8, -52, 32, 100
14. Symbols: 93: 1, 0, -100, 30
15. Repeat layer 14 on the other side
16. Symbols: 140: 100, 1, -66, 30
17. Templates: 3: 100, 0, 0, 29
18. Symbols: 126: 7, -54, 37, 100
19. Arm Wristbands: 63, -18, -18, 100, 100
20. Symbols: 13: 60, -46, 16, 100
21. Arm Wristbands: 5: 100, -100, -45, 100, 100
22. Arm Accesories: 3: 100, -100, -75, 100
23. Boots: 44: 100, -100, 0/ 100, -100, 15
24. Tops: 11: Tight Style: 100, 0, 10
25. Symbols: 103: 7, -54, 31, 100
26. Symbols: 136: 7, -54, 31, 100
27. WWE Logos: 5: 100, 0, -100, 4
28.WWE Logos: 32: 100, -100, -21, 100
29. Accesories: 10: 100, 1, -41
30. Symbols: 95: Black
31. Symbols: 7: Black
32. Bottoms: 11: Baggy Style: 100, -57, -35
33. Paint Tool logo
34. Paint Tool logo
35. Symbols: 95: 100, -99, 47, 100
36. Symbols: 130: 100, -99, 47, 100
37. WWE Logos: 5: -17, 90, 27, 2
Attire 2: Facepaint
09. Paint Tool Logo
10. Arm Wristbands: 3: 100, -63, -74, 100, 82
11. Symbols: 95: 100, -100, 28, 100
12. Underwear: Default
13. Symbols: 130: 100, -100, -14, 16
14. Arm Accesories: 3: Black
15. Facepaint: 100, -84, -75, 40
16. Facepaint: 81: 100, -100, -40, 0
17. Facepaint: 71: 100, -100, -100, 35
18. Sideburns: 7: 100, 1, -100, 21
19. Templates: 3: 100, 1, 0, 37
20. Hands: 6: 100, -100, -62, 100
21. Belts: 8: 36, 71, 14
22. Tops: 11: Tight Style: 100, 0, -65
23. Piercings: 1: 100, -91, -31
24. Boots: 44: 100, -100, 0/ 100, -100, 15
25. WWE Logos: 32: 100, -2, -23, 100
26. Accesories: 17: 100, -100, -30
27. Bottoms: 11: Baggy style: 100, -57, -35
28. Symbols: 132 100, -100, -2, 61
29. Facepaint: 36: 88: 42: -39, 27
30. Paint Tool design
31. Make up: 22: 100, -100, -67, 79
32. Symbols: 104: 5, -63, -5, 100
33. Symbols: 130: 70, -30, -18, 100
34.Symbols: 104: 5, -63, -5, 100
35.Symbols: 130: 70, -30, -18, 100
36. Sideburns: 14: 100, 0, -18, 82
37. Symbols: 95: 100, -100, 30, 100
38.Symbols: 95: 100, -100, 30, 100
39.Symbols: 95: 100, -100, 30, 100
40. Arm Wristbands: 8: 100, -100, -10, 100, 100
41. Symbols: 2: 100, -100, 30, 100
42.Symbols: 2: 100, -100, 30, 100
43. Make Up: 11: 99, 0, 1, 60
44. Make Up: 3: -96, -13, -29, 36
45. Symbols: 103: 70, -30, -17, 100
46. Symbols: 126: 70, -30, -17, 100
47. Symbols: 9: 23, -9, -100, 17
48. Symbols: 17: 23, -9, -100, 17
49. Symbols: 17: 23, -9, -100, 17
50. Make Up: 11: 2nd Style: 100, -1, 0, 31
51. Symbols: 117: 53, 55, -40, 61
52. Symbols: 116: 100, 0, -46, 15
Attire 3: Facepaint #2
09. Paint Tool Logo (Arm tattoo)
10. Arm Wristbands: 5: 27, -100, -29, 100, 82
11. Symbols: 95: 17, 10, 8, 100
12. Underwear: Default
13. Symbols: 130: 100, -100, -14, 16
14. Arm Accesories: 3: 100, -100, -75, 100
15. Sideburns: 7: 100, 1, -100, 21
16. Templates: 3: 100, 1, 0, 37
17. Face Paint: 37: 100, -100, -29, 64
18. Face Paint: 56: 100, 0, 0, 43
19. Hands: 6: 100, -100, -37, 100
20. Belts: 8: 68, 42, 42
21. Tops: 11: Tight Style: 100, 0, -65
22. Piercings: 1: 100, -91, -31
23. Boots: 44: 100, -100, 0/ 100, -100, 15
24. WWE Logos: 32: 100, -2, -23, 100
25. Accesories: 17: 100, -100, -30
26. Bottoms: 11: Baggy style: 100, -57, -35
27. Symbols: 104: 5, -63, -5, 100
28. Symbols: 130: 70, -30, -18, 100
29. Repeat layer 27 on the other side.
30. Repeat layer 28 on the other side
31. Sideburns: 14: 100, 0, -18, 82
32. Repeat layer 11 on the other side.
33. Repeat layer 11 on the other arm.
34. Repeat layer 32 on the other arm.
35. Arm Wristbands: 8: -67, 33, -44, 100, 99
36. Symbols: 2: 17, 10, 8, 100
37. Symbols: 2: 17, 10, 8, 100
38. Symbols: 104: 70, -30, -17, 100
39. Symbols: 126: 70, -30, -17, 100
40. Symbols: 21: 55, -100, 30, 0
41. Symbols: 17: 55, -100, 30, 0
42. Repeat layer 41 on the other side.
43. Symbols: 117: 53, 55, -40, 61 (Arm tattoo)
44. Symbols: 116: 100, 0, -46, 15 (Arm tattoo)
45. Symbols: 104: 100, -100, -20, 86
46. Symbols: 6: 78, -100, -18, 100
47. Make Up: 22: 100, -100, -100, 20
48. Make Up: 18: 100, -100, -100, 0
49. Symbols: 99: 78, -100, -18, 100
50. Symbols: 99: 78, -100, -18, 100
51. Symbols: 99: 78, -100, -18, 100
52. Repeat layer 49 on the other side.
53. Symbols: 126: 78, -100, -18, 100
54. Symbols: 104: 100, -100, 32, 100
55. Repeat layer 50 on the other side.
56. Repeat layer 51 on the other side.
57. Make Up: 100, 0, 0, 52
58 . Symbols: 126: 7, -55, 24, 74
59. Symbols: 12: 78, -100, -18, 100
Attire #4: Raw 2008 return
09. Symbols: 126: 7, -54, 37, 100
10. Underwear: Default
11. Face Paint: 36: 88, 42, -39, 27
12. Arm Accesories: 3: 100, -100, -75, 100
13. Templates: 3: 100, 1, 0, 37
14. Sideburns: 14: 100, 0, -18, 82
15. Goatee: 10: Default color
16. Arm Wristbands: 20: -49, 83, -20, 100
17. Piercings: 15: Left ear: 100, -100, -70
18. Boots: 44: 100, -100, 0/ 100, -100, 15
19. Belts: 8: 100, -100, -4
20. Tops: 3: Tight: 100, 0, -10, 100
21. Bottoms: 11: Baggy style: 100, -57, -35
22. Symbols: 130: 12, 9, -25, 100
23. Repeat layer 22 on the other side.
24. Symbols: 130: 12, 9, -25, 100
25. Symbols: 10: 100, -100, -100, 16
26. Symbols: 104: 96, -100, -100, 8
27. Repeat layer 26 on the other side.
28. Symbols: 103: 70, -18, 14, 100
29. Symbols: 103: 70, -18, 14, 100
30. Repeat layer 28 on the other side
31. Repeat layer 29 on the other side
Start With template 1
hair : 14/71, 2. Typ ( X: -56, Y: 10, Shade: -19)
head Morphing:
head: 3, -2. -3
forehead: 6 ,5, -5, -3
Eyetyp: 1/9 (X: 10, Y: -17, Shade.: -21)
Eyeleashes: 15/15
Eyebrows: 37/39 (X: 80, Y: -25, Shade.: 37)
Lips: 1/17 (X: 96, Y: 0, Shade.: -8)
teeth: 1/14 (X: 87, Y: 0, Shade.: 0)
Male/Scars: 20/23 (X: 92, Y: -73, Shade.: -54, Trans.: 22)
Texture&Color: 12/12 (X; 87, Y: 5, Shade.: -11)
Age: 44
Face Morphing:
Eyebrows: -100, 100, 15, 100
Eyes: 2, -11, 5, 19, 20, 49, -16
Nose: 5, -3, 41, -7, -61 ,9, 43, 15
Cheeks: -24, -21. -12, 17
Mouth: 4, 45 ,10, 31, 6, 39, -25
Jaw: 37, -43, 62, 21, 46, 64
Ears: 22, -14, 8, 5
Facial Hair:
Side Burns: 10/17 (X: 90, Y: -98, Shade.: -77, Trans.: 18)
Goate: 10/14 (X: 90, Y: -100, Shade.: -42, Trans.: 60)
Goate: 5/14 (X: 91, Y: 0, Shade.: 0, Trans.: 66)
Goate: 14/14 (X: 85, Y: -100, Shade.: -51, Trans.: 100)
Mustache: 1/13 (X: 90, Y: -97, Shade.: -44, Trans.: 22)
Make up: 11/29, Typ: 1 (X: -52, Y: -24, Shade.: 2, Trans.: 100)
Make up: 1/29 Typ: 2 (X: 100, Y: -100, Shade.: -11, Trans.: 100)
Piercings: 6/20, Typ: 1 (X: -15, Y: -100, Shade.: -100)
height: 185 cm
Body Type: 4
Body Morphing:
Neck: -23, 43, 25
Chest: 13, -2, 5
Shoulders: -34, 27, -3
Abdomen: -53, 10, -4
Waist: 10, -11
Arms: -8, 12, 8
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: -28, 9, 8
Feet: 0, 0, 0
Size: 1/9
Body hair:
Torso: 5/6 (X: 87, Y: 0, Shade.: 7, Trans.: 78)
right Arm: 146/148 (X: -33, Y: -100, Shade.: -59, trans.: 39)
right Arm: 112/148 (X: -33. Y: -100, Shade.: -23, trans.: 86)
Upper Body
Tops: 14/50, Typ: 2, Typ: 2 (X: 88, Y: -100, Shade.: -74, Trans.: 100)
Body Accessoires: 23/27 (X: 100, Y: 0, Shade.: 0)
WWE Logo Go by the Top to Logo and choose The WWE Symbol 49/68. vertical: the smallest, horizontal: the smallest. Put the Symbol under the Chain. (X, -55, Y: -25, Shade.:-12, Trans.: 100)
Booth Arms: 7/21 ( X: 21, Y: -100, Shade.: -77, trans.: 100, length: 100)
Booth Arms: 10/21 (X: -48, Y: -58, Shade.: -58, trans.: 100, length: 100)
Hands: 7/16, Typ: 1 (X: -57, Y: -48, Shade.: -44, trans.: 100)
Arm-Accesoires: 5/16 (X: -51, Y: 55, Shade.: -24, trans.: 100)
Lowe Body:
Unterwear: 4/9, Typ: 3 (X: -51, Y: -23, Shade.: -51)
Bottoms: 14/42, Typ: 1 (X: -6, Y: -100, Shade.: -39)
beltsl: 3/20 (X: -51, Y: 48, Shade.: -37, trans.: 100)
Boots: Boots&Shows: 24/37 (X: - 13, Y: -100, Shade.: - 67)
Crowd Sign: ( All Signs by Page 2/21)
Crowd Sign 1: the 1. Sign from completely down
Crowd Sign 2: the 2. Sign from completely down
Crowd Sign 3: the 3. Sign from completely down
Crowd Sign 4: the 4. Sign from completely down
Name: Jeff Hrady
Nickname: the Charismatic Enigma
Nickname placemant: prefix
Hud-Name: Jeff Hardy
Announcer Name: El Jefe
Hometown: Cameron, North Carolina
Weightclass: 96Kg (Light Heavyweight)
Crowd Reaction: boo
Show: default
I have a WII and I got the game but i think the dlc packs come with ps3 and xbox 360. I Hope I answered your question.
Sorry it is only a Downloadable Content (DLC) for X-box and PS3
you cant it only works on ps3 and x box 360 sorry
yes he is but i think your going to need a cheat to unlock him
you don't unlock it. it just doesn't come with the ps2. i don't think it comes with the wii game either.
== ==
You can't but you can make him
U can't
It is unavalible for wii
Yes, there is wwe store in WWE Smackdown! vs Raw 2008 Wii.
yes it is on the wii
You just click on WWE Shop
no,they dont make games for gamecube anymore but it will be for wii
enter moonlight
I don't think so. They just made it for xbox, wii and ps3