While near your opponent, press R1 and X at the same time to Irish whip.
No. I believe Sabu was on Smackdown Vs. Raw 2008. Not 2009
yes jack swagger is on smackdown vs. raw 09
No, but mr. McMahon IS in smackdown vs. raw 2008 and 2009.
Trish Stratus is not in SmackDown vs. Raw 2009.
No, The Miz cannot be unlocked in Smackdown vs. Raw 2008. However, he is avalible in the sequel, Smackdown vs. Raw 2009.
Hold down circle
Irish whip them into the table.
Just press circle, and move the left analog stick in the direction you want to Irish whip your opponent.
Irish whip into table or table in corner with full moment and it does a special table move for the k.o
you get your finisher and Irish whip them into the table and use your finisher
When you either have a stored signature move or if your momentum is flashing, either Irish whip them into the table and press Y (for 360s) or just power grapple them and drag them into the table.
Will goldberg be in smackdown vs raw 2009
smackdown vs raw 2009
Irish whip your opponent into it then use a finisher or keep doing moves on them until they go through.
You have to break the table ;) use an irish-whip and throw him at the table, then u do a move....
when your partner is in your corner press x or Irish whip your opponent into your corner and do a grapple move