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The biguns and littluns lead two separate lives, which seem to overlap only when both groups attend meeting or share the shelters at night. Essentially, other than providing shelters and occasionally picking fruit for the littluns, the biguns just leave them to their own devices and take no responsibility for them at all.

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12y ago

they call them lilluns (little ones) and bigguns (big ones)

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Q: How do the young boys differ from the older ones in lord of the flies?
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Who are the littleuns in Lord of the Flies?

The littleuns in "Lord of the Flies" are the younger boys on the island who are not part of the group of older boys. They often struggle with fear, nightmares, and homesickness, and are not as involved in the power struggles and savagery that consume the older boys.

What are the young children called in lord of the flies?

The young children in "Lord of the Flies" are referred to as "littluns." They are the younger boys on the island who are not quite old enough to be considered part of the older boys' group.

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The smaller boys in 'Lord of the Flies' are known as "littluns." They are the younger boys who are not part of the older boys' group.

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if you mean if young rich girls like young boys and you mean like as in love, then i can answer that question: BECAUSE THEY ARE CUTE!

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What is the physical description's of the littluns?

The littluns in "Lord of the Flies" are described as small, young boys. They are likely around the ages of six to twelve, with varying physical appearances and characteristics, such as dirty and unkempt hair, sunburns, and tattered clothing. They are often depicted as vulnerable and innocent compared to the older boys on the island.

Is Jack older than Ralph in lord of the flies?

Yes, Jack is older than Ralph in "Lord of the Flies." Jack is described as being bigger and more commanding compared to the other boys on the island, including Ralph.

In the book the lord of the flies what where the little kids called?

The little kids in the book "Lord of the Flies" were called "littluns." They were the youngest boys on the island who often played and were not actively involved in the power struggles and conflicts of the older boys.