Girls have an easier life
than boys in their young
ages but as they get older
it is harder and harder for them
No, boys do. Girls have a lot of things to think about. I don't think so. Boys and girls certainly have different challenges in life, but I would not call it easier. Women face many challenges that many boys will never encounter such as periods and childbirth in addition to the unique disadvantage that many women have in the areas of education, social and economic equality, and sexual freedom.
lol you lucky you ain't a boy, in a boys world it's not sweet and caring, you cry... you get your ass jumped
Uspy girls get jealous easier because they tend to care more and are sensitive
No, girls should go to a mixed school (boys and girls) because it will be easier for girls to talk to boys when they are older.
I am a girl, and I would have to disagree with this! Boys "choose" their life style, they make their lives difficult. Girls go through their period phase... every month for 3-5 days, yes boys go through pubirty ONCE.Girls birth and take care of children, while boys can just relax and enjoy their life.. The one who is always expected to b there is the girl. Now what about a girls life seems so easy?
for me, girls can do splits a filipino, we respect one of our filipino culture..girls must decide when she'll split the relationship, in her right time and in her own right place..boys must wait what will be the girls plan about their relationship..
definitely girls
Girls bruise easier than boys because their skin is typically thinner and has less collagen, making it more susceptible to damage. Additionally, hormonal differences between males and females can affect blood vessel strength and elasticity, leading to easier bruising in girls.
A girls basketball is easier to make a basket with because of the size and weight no matter the gender
no because boys need to learn how to wor with girls its life
Gender has nothing to do with taking risks.
the boys: you steve have no life