They built their town out on the lake and had a causeway so that the dragon could not attack from the ground. He could only fly over the town and wasn't able to land on it and crush it.
a ram will win because its fast and has horns to protect itself
Shark attack.
Definitely the 5 rottweilers. A jaguar has no contest against these fierce dogs, especially when the dogs come together to attack, and the dogs would kill the jaguar as they would do it to a prey.
Nick Barham - Screams Andrew Whiting - Guitar Johnny Franck - Guitar and Clean Vocals Caleb Shomo - Keyboard and Synthesizer John Holgado - Bass Andrew Wetzel - Drums Keep in mind there are 2 bands named Attack Attack! there is this one and then there is Attack Attack! UK
It is on built entirely on stilts out over the lake, sort of like a Middle-earth Venice.
they spray people
Retreat to the mountains and camouflage themselves when the British attack.
they violently attack humans with their mouth they attack you
fhuck u it defend itself bi comouflaging
They defend by the way their worst enemy attack
they Placed their wagons in a circle formation
Usually they attack their enemies (ex. biting, clawing)
To protect them against CBRN contamination
They protect themselves by staying with groups, and by keeping their numbers at a large amount. They Have Strong Legs To Attack The Predators From The Back. They Have Horns to attack the predators.
One can protect against an alligator attack by taking the right precautions. Before going into water in an area where alligators live, do a careful visual check for any alligators.
It is quite difficult.... Israel army is a junction of nuclear weapons.....