Mel died by falling 5 stories after being pushed by a women called Emily.
He was the head detective on a bbc television show called "waking the dead."
Michael Myers is a fictional character. He is neither dead nor alive. But in character true evil can never die.
Scheduled release date for DVD set is April 4th 2011 hoping its on tv before then
The Requiem used in this episode is by Fauré. Don't know who is performing it, though. Does anyone know?
Ray Dead Like Me: Life After Death (Georgia Lass)
The ISBN of Waking the Dead - novel - is 0394543564.
The duration of Waking the Dead - film - is 1.75 hours.
Waking the Dead - novel - has 385 pages.
Waking the Dead - film - was created on 2000-03-24.
Waking the Dead - novel - was created on 1986-04-12.
The duration of Waking the Dead - TV series - is 3600.0 seconds.
Waking the Dead - TV series - ended on 2011-04-11.
Waking the Dead - TV series - was created on 2000-09-04.
Waking the Dead - 2005 V is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG
Grimm - 2011 The Waking Dead 2-21 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:MA15+
Waking the Dead - 2000 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M (some episodes) Australia:MA (some episodes) UK:15
The cast of Waking Up Dead - 2005 includes: Brent Fitz as himself Phil Varone as himself