Carson was seven when his father was killed by a falling tree while clearing land.
No they have not but they think that a rivel or someone is hiding it from them
Christopher "Kit" Carson was a trapper, soldier and American frontiersman but I am unable to locate how he came to have the nickname Kit.
Yes he did
sister died of pneumonia father died of age
Kit Fisto's parents have never been revealed
One of Kit's favorite things is reporting for her dad.
Rachel Carson's sister, Marian Carson, passed away in 1960.
No, his dad did not die. His parents got a divorce.
Kit Jackson British actor
dad die? die!? no
GIs & South Vietnamese scouts (Tiger scouts in the Mekong Delta, the same scouts were called Kit Carsons in the Highlands and I Corps) used to use the term, "crocodile."
i belive the racehl carsons first book was named Silent Spring