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Q: How did elagabalus die?
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When did Elagabalus die?

Elagabalus died on 222-03-11.

When was Elagabalus born?

Elagabalus was born in 203.

Is Elagabalus gay?

Only he or she can say.

Bad things elagabalus did?

Elagabalus, also known as Heliogabalus, who ruled as Roman emperor from 218 to 222 AD, was known for his extravagant and scandalous behavior. He was accused of committing numerous atrocities, including murdering family members, engaging in incestuous relationships, and desecrating religious traditions, such as introducing the worship of the sun god Elagabalus to Rome. Elagabalus's reign was marked by instability and ended with his assassination at the age of 18.

How many people did elagabalus kiil?

69 Sherlock

Why was Elagabalus a bad leader?

because he just was xD

Who murdered elagabalus?

He was murdered by the Praetorian guard on 11th March 222 A.D.

Who was the youngest Caesar?

Gratian was he was 8 years old at his Accession. he ruled from 364-375 i believe however he arguably was never a true emperor because he shared rule with his father and uncle for the whole of his regime. Hope this helps

When did Elagabalus rule?

8th May 218 A.D. - 11th March 222 A.D.

What good thing did Emperor Elagabalus do?

Ancient Roman writers were very negative about Elagabalus and did not report anything positive. He was fourteen when he became emperor and his reign lasted only three years and ten months. Elagabalus was reportedly open about his intimate relationship with his male chariot driver, Hierocles, among others. Under his reign, women were allowed in the Roman Senate, a practice which was banned again after his assassination on March 11, 222.

What was elagabalus's failure?

Elagabalus's failure as a Roman emperor stemmed from his despotic rule, extravagance, and scandalous behavior. He alienated the Roman Senate and military with his erratic decisions, such as attempting to introduce Eastern religious practices to Rome. His reign was marked by corruption and instability, ultimately leading to his assassination in 222 AD.

How old was elagabalus?

He was 14 or 15 when he became Emperor in May 218 A.D. and died at the age of 18 on 11th March 222 A.D.