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Stephenie Meyer has not given enough information about Caius (or any other Volturi member, for that matter) for this question to be answered.

No one really knows how he did become apart of the Volturi, though it would be interesting to find out.

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Q: How did caius become part of the volturi?
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Who are the leaders of the Volturi?

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Who is part of the volturi?

There are two parts to the volturi. One is the volturi coven: Aro, Caius, and Marcus. The wives are (Aro)-Sulpicia, (Caius)-Athenodora, and (Marcus)-Didyme. Didyme is dead though. The other part is the volturi guard: Alec, Jane, Chelsea, Afton, Corin, Demetri, Felix, Heidi, Renata, and Santiago.

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Athenodora was a vampire and the wife of Caius in the Twilight Saga. She is a member of the Volturi, a powerful vampire coven in the series, known for her loyalty to her husband and the Volturi leadership. Athenodora is described as having a strong personality and is highly protective of her coven and the Volturi's authority.

Who plays caius in twilight?

Jamie Campbell Bower plays Caius in the Twilight Saga. He is part of the Volturi coven and makes his first appearance in the second film, "New Moon."

Who of these is NOT an elder of the Volturi in new moon?

The elders are Aro, Caius and Marcus.

Who is not an elder of the volturi?

Well all the Volturi guards are not 'elders' everyone except Aro, Caius, Marcus and there wives are not elders.

Who is not and elder of the Volturi in New Moon?

All the Volturi guard are not elders, so the only elders are Aro, Caius, Marcus and there wives Sulpicia (Aro's wife) Athenodora (Caius' wife) and Didyme (Marcus' deceased wife).So, any of the Volturi, but them, are not elders. If you get what I'm saying. :)

Who is not an elder of the volturi in new moon?

All of them except Caius, Aro and Marcus.

Which actor plays Caius in the Volturi?

British actor, Jamie Campbell-Browder

How do you pronounce Volturi?

Aro - are-oh Marcus - mar-kus Caius - Kye-us