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The main character is Katniss and her feelings for the others do change over time and they also change for her best friend Gale and her former tribute star Peeta over the course of the book.

Hope this was able to help you! If it didn't i'm sorry okay hope it helped you thanks bye!!

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12y ago

In the begining of the story, Katniss had a cynical world-view. She believed everyone is motivated by self-interest. She begins to change at the Reaping when she volunteers to take Prim's place in the Games. by the end, she realizes that people can be motivated by love. An example of this is when Gale said he wants to be with Katniss. Katniss thought he just said that because she makes a great hunting partner and they would make a good and decent living together. By the end of the novel though, she realizes that he said it because he truley loves her.

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12y ago

He lost his leg sooo they had to replace it so sad. but that is the the 74th the others will remain secret till each movie comes out not the books LOL well happy 74th annual Hunger Games may the odds be ever in your favor.

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12y ago


When the rebels broke most of the tributes out of the arena, they didn't get Peeta, Johanna, Enobaria, and the other guy from District 1. To torture Katniss, Peeta was hijacked. Hijacked is when they used Tracker Jacket venom to alter his memories into something terrifying. In this case, they altered Peetas memories of Katniss. When the rebels finally broke into the Capitol and got the tributes back, Peeta was VERY unstable. When Katniss and Peeta reunite, he chokes her. Slowly but surely they ease him out of the venom. At the end, he's pretty much good as new.

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He became braver, but also more vulnerable because then the Capitol knew what he would sacrifice for Katniss.

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12y ago

Katniss is hunted my memories of her hunger games her whole life. But she learns "Kill or be Killed"

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In the beginning she didn't trust anyone, she thought Peeta was helping the careers kill her. As it go on Peeta was actually trying to save her. In the end she fell for Peeta.

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He is taken prisoner by the capitol

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Q: How did Peeta change in the Hunger Games as the story went on?
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Where is the adventure in Hunger Games?

Well, the adventure is about the country of Panem, and there was 13 districts in Panem. In District 12, a poor district, there lives Katniss Everdeen, and Peeta Mellark. In a time of history for Panem, ( called the Dark Days ) the Capitol destroyed District 13. The Capitol says that it will never happen again, and so came The Hunger Games, where each district offers up one boy and one girl to compete. Katniss and Peeta are chosen for District 12. The Hunger Games is a fight to the death in an area made by the gamemakers. there are 24 tributes ages raging 12-18. The story tells how Katniss tries to survive and win the Hunger Games. Please read it!! I have and it is very good!

Who is the narrator in the Hunger games?

Katniss is telling the story in first person

When did Katniss fall in love with Peeta Mellark?

Peeta fell in love with Katniss when they were young, and Katniss didn't return the feelings. Peeta was in love with Katniss before the story started, and Katniss began to like him back during the "cave scene" near the middle of the first novel.

How did Prim get her name Hunger Games?

she is katniss' sister and in the last book she gets killed by a bomb that gets dropped by gale ( who thought prim was safe at home not in the square where his enemies were) katniss's best freind


i think when peeta and katniss win may be it. idk though.MichelleFlores137137 said: It's when they're going on the victory tour to all the other districts, after they win the games.Actually, Michelle. In the book, The Hunger Games. They do not go to all the other districts. The book ends when peeta and katniss are about to get off the train in District 12.

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How does katniss change in the story of the hunger games?

because she had a kid wid peeta parker

What happens after the climax in the story The Hunger Games?

The anticlimax of the Hunger Games story was when your mum was reading the book and suddenly exclaimed, "Peeta is such a strong willed young boy. I wouldn't mind dating him!" Your mom's 64. :S

How does the end of the story affect Katniss hunger games?

It affects Katniss because she doesn't know if she has feelings for Peeta. She is confused as to what she thinks of Peeta. Peeta loves her, but she doesn't know if she loves him back.

Why does katniss change the story of how she acquired prim's goat hunger games?

She wanted to talk about Prim obiviously, plus she had to be talkative with Peeta because of sponsers, she didn't tell him the whole truth about the goat though.

What is the name of the butcher in The Hunger Games?

The butcher's name is Rooba. It is mentioned when Katniss is telling Peeta the story of when she got Prim's goat in the cave.

Is Katniss pregnant in the mockingyjay?

No, it was just a story that Peeta made up in order to emphasize the beastliness of the Hunger Games.

Why isn't there going to be a book 4 of the Hunger Games?

The reason that there won't be a fourth hunger games book is because the story is over. Katniss is married and has kids with peeta and gale left so there isn't much left to work with

What are most of Suzanne Collins' books based on?

Well it depends on what story she is writing about. I am her biggest fan! Well in the Hunger Games, the main characters are Katniss, Peeta, and Gale. I saw The Hunger Games this Friday. It is awesome. I recommend it to anyone who hasn't watched yet!!

What did the gamemakers do to stop the uprising in the hunger games?

They stopped Katniss and Peeta from eating the nightlock at the very end of the games, but it still didn't help. There was obviously and uprising, or else there wouldnt be a story. Hope this helped (:

What story does Katniss share Peeta?

Peeta and Katniss exchange stories during the Games. The popular story is that of Peeta giving bread to Katniss despite Peeta's parents requests. Katniss tells Peeta about how she got Prim a goat.

What does the title The Hunger Games have to do with the story?

I am guessing that The Hunger Games stands for surviving your hunger? That would be my best guess

Who changes throughout the story hunger games?

They all change. Prim grows up, relying more on herself. Katniss becomes the face of the rebellion and more confused about love then she ever has been. Peeta falls in love. Gale loves Katniss more and more.