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He sang and played a lute amongst many other instruments, such as a hurdy gurdy, Dulcimer and cittern.

He or sometimes they also were like a newspaper (which hadn't been invented) and took stories from one place to another, and put the story to music. This way Lords and Ladies as well as the common folk learnt about the scandals of the day, an entertainer had to be very careful though what was said as they could be arrested for what they said.

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15y ago

A troubadour or a trouvere depending on which region of France one is in; in Germany a minnesinger or meistersinger depending on degree of status. Minstrel also comes to mind, more in the British Isles, or a bard in Celtic tradition.

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11y ago

First of all, the beginnings of "Secular Music" only date from 1100 AD. Prior to that there was only Church music and the musicians were usually part of the church. If you were musically inclined, and weren't part of the church, life was pretty hard for you. You would wander about from town to town and from fair to fair singing and/or playing for whatever the crowd deigned to throw your way. Sometimes you might get hired by an Inn for a time to play for the customers in return for room, food and whatever tips you could get. If you were very good at your craft you might be recognized by a local nobleman who would become your Patron. He would give you shelter and feed you as long as you entertained him. If your Patron was pleased with you he might even give you gifts and/or money. If you couldn't keep your Patron entertained, and he tired of you, he would cast you out, and you would be right back where you were before; playing for tips on the road.

In 1125 AD the Troubadours first appeared in France. They were composers and performers of lyric poetry that dealt, primarily, with chivalry and courtly love. The style spread throughout Europe, finally dying out about 1348. Typically, they stayed in one place for a lengthy period of time under the patronage of a wealthy nobleman or woman. Many did travel extensively, however, sojourning at one court and then another.

In 1200 AD the first professional "Bards" appeared, and then in 1300 Jongleurs first started appearing. These itinerant entertainers not only composed and performed music, they also told stories and were actors, jugglers or acrobats. One thing that all wandering minstrels throughout the middle ages and renaissance were expected to do was to bring news and gossip of what was happening in other parts of the land. For this reason alone they were usually welcomed wherever they wandered.

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