At the start of the games, in the scene of the Cornucopia Bloodbath.
She starts moving toward the Horn late, so it is a few seconds before she reaches it, and when she does there is about a minute in which she grapples for it with the boy from D.9 before she can officially "get" it.
The backpack that Katniss grabs from the District 3 boy is orange. Katniss says the orange stands out a lot so she rubs mud on it to help improve its camouflage.
The District 9 boy. *Katniss didn't grab the backpack from him; they reached it at the same time at fought over it for a few seconds before Clove killed him from behind.
She didnt take it from anyone, the people suplied backpacks.
The nightvision goggles, which she thinks are sunglasses.
Katniss is actually an aquatic plant that is also called Saggitaria. The seeds in the center of the flower of the plant are shaped like arrowheads. The plant gets its name from the Zodiac constellation Sagitarrius - or, "The Archer."
The backpack that Katniss grabs from the District 3 boy is orange. Katniss says the orange stands out a lot so she rubs mud on it to help improve its camouflage.
The District 9 boy. *Katniss didn't grab the backpack from him; they reached it at the same time at fought over it for a few seconds before Clove killed him from behind.
Army/Navy store? ebay?
it was the boy ffor the distric
Katniss runs right for a backpack near the Cornucopia, and is lucky to survive when a girl throws a free knife at her. Katniss shielded it with her backpack, and later used it in the Hunger Games as a tool.
She goes to the "feast" in the arena, and grabs the backpack with medicine in it.
She runs away but grabs a backpack on the way.
Katniss in NO WAY uses a sweetener for her water. She uses the iodine that she found in the backpack she got at the Cornucopia to cleanse the water she drinks.
A orange backpack filled with supplies, a knife, and a plastic sheet but she dropped it
She didnt take it from anyone, the people suplied backpacks.
She picks up a bright orange backpack and runs to the forest.