Yes. It is an insulting (poor) imitation of Chinese speech. Unfortunately, it has been in use for about a hundred years.
The Chinese Circus got it's earliest traditions from religious ceremonies that were performed by peasants before the Bronze Age. They tend to stay away from the use of real animals however, and stick to variations of acrobatic stunts. These stunts were also categorized into 7 "schools" of specialty to give there performances more variety.
Artists use visual and real texture to make audiences recall textural experiences.
to make them stand out
Most artists only buy the primary colors and make all other colors from them
The Chinese use a very difficult alphabet.
The printing press
charcoal and gold
Meditation can make us realize the Truth. Meditation can make us experience God in the temple of our heart, meditation can make us activate our super conscious which can communicate with the universe. Therefore yes, meditation can create a power which can be considered as a super power. But that is not the purpose of meditation. People who are trying to find a super power are running an illusory race of achievement, and they will never attain any super power - ultimately they will suffer. The way to go beyond all this is to meditate to realize we are the Divine Soul, by contemplating the Truth. We should not strive to get power which we will finally leave behind, but to use the power within to become the Divine that we actually are.
Byzantine artists were the first Western artists to develop the use of abstraction.
PHP is "Hypertext Preprocessor", use google translator to make it Chinese :D
They use them to make wine.