Yes. It is an insulting (poor) imitation of Chinese speech. Unfortunately, it has been in use for about a hundred years.
ching chong
Ching Ling Foo died in 1922.
Tao Chiang's birth name is Ting Hsuen-yuan.
Eventually , Some people in this world are just idiots. They are really racist. They shouldn't be talking like that to Asians just because they think their race is cool. Whenever they see an asian, they immediatly say he/she is a Chinese. Even when they say that, that's pretty racist. Espescially when they say Ching Chong. They make fun of the language because we speak weird. Well look here, some people just think once they hear a different language they don't know, they make fun of it. Yeah, Don't think your language doesn't sound weird to us too.
The cast of Tu fu - 1984 includes: Chang An Li Yuen Ling Chen Kuan Tai Chen Ching Yen Chiang
ching chong chang ching chong chang
repeat words 200 times then at the end loudly say CHING CHONG!
ching chang chong
Ching chang chong.
Ching chang chong
Ching chang chong
Sir Franses Bacon and chang from ching chang chong
Ching Chang Chong
ching chang chong
ching chong chang.
ching , chang, and chong