Alison had a twin sister Courtney and Courtney was the one who died and Alison is in rehab and Courtney died by a round object like a hockey stick what Toby found in spencers back yard while building a fence for there neighbor and Courtney was hit from behind by surprise and the blow dented her skull but did not kill her she died from being buried alive! Alison is still alive but the Aria, Hannah, Spencer, and Emily thinks she is dead:)
She didnt die. Her twin sister did, Courtney. Alli pushed her down a hole when she got mad at her. The body they found was Courtney's. Courtney was Alli at the time of the Jenna Thing and Alli was Courtney at the time.
well alison had a twin sister called Courtney was mentall ill in the head. once Courtney came home she always said she was alison alisons mom had to take Courtney back to the mentil hospaital Courtney said alison was her so alisons mom not knowing who was who took alison to the mental hospatil because Courtney was outside talking to alisons friends so alisons mom thought alison was Courtney. then at spencers sleepover alison escaped from the mentail hospatil snuck into spencers barn when everyone was sleeping she kidnapped Courtney took her to a place where a pit was she dug it and pushed Courtney in and buried her alive and that's how courney aka fake alison died. the real alison escaped and is a
Then at the very end of the last chapter in the book officer Wildon- I think sets Spencer's barn on fire, when Spencer, Emily, and Hannah are inside, Aria is outside of the barn. Aria then sees someone ( can't see their face ) trapped with a log on top of them un able to move. aria moves the log and sets them free, and helps them get away from the fire. all thee girls that were in the barn get out okay, and all 5 of them meet up, and aria explains what happened with this random person who was stuck, and they take the hood off that was up, and wipe off the soot and dirt from this persons face, and guess who it is....
and of the 4 girls recognize this person, but they don't recognize all four of was ALLY! idk how but shes not dead, they say in the books that there was a hole in the DNA testing and they never figured out if it acutally was ally that "died" , but i guess it wasnt!
Alison DeLaurentis had a twin sister named Courtney, although none of the Pretty Little Liars knew it. They traded places and names, so Aria, Hanna, Spencer and Emily befriended Courtney under the name Ali. The REAL Alison killed her sister Courtney, but since the Liars didn't know there was a twin, they thought Ali was dead. The truth is that the Alison that THEY knew was dead, although the real one was alive. So Alison's killer is.... herself. "A" is Mona, Hanna's wannabe follower. When Mona dies at homecoming (population change, anyone?) Alison takes her place sending messages to the Liars. Ali knew everything about Aria, Hanna, Emily and Spencer because Courtney told her everything
Ali didn't die, she switched places with her insaine twin sister, Courtney and when Ali finds out that Courtney is posing as her, she strangles her and pushes her into a hole.
No, Spencer from Pretty Little Liars does not die.
Ezra did not die on Pretty Little Liars.
David O'Brien of Pretty Little Liars died after acquiring AIDS.David O'Brien of the Pretty Little Liars dies after succumbing to AIDS.
None of the girls on Pretty Little Liars die.
Yes he is adorable and the British accent helps!
No she did not
NO she somehow escapes
no she´s murdured.
at allis grave
Season 1 Episode 1 ( Pilot )
Yes she does.. she pretty mich kills herself
because the real alison thought that she knew to much about what happend
Ian, who is Spencer's sister Mellisa's husband, kills her.
No, Spencer from Pretty Little Liars does not die.
Ezra did not die on Pretty Little Liars.
no she survives ive watched it like a million times
No, Kate doesn't die in Pretty Little Liars