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Well, you can't really get one. I mean your parents would have to get you one. That would mean it would be up to them. Tell them why you think you need one. (or maybe you can "earn" it by getting good grades, helping with chores, etc.)

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14y ago
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16y ago

parents are no fare they shoul'd give their children a cell phone it would be dangerous not to??????????????????????give them one now?

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15y ago

That depends if they need one, how responsible they are and the word of their parents.

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Q: How can you get a cell phone when you're ten years old?
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yea a trac phone

How old where the vikigs?

THEY WERE 1,000,000 YEARS OLD youre welcome

When can a girl get a cell phone?

When her parents buy her one. Usually 12 or 13 years old.

What if your nine years old and really want a cell phone What do you do?

well buy one den

Normal age to get a cell phone?

Most kids get them between 9-11 years old.