Riley is now 18 years old, Connor is 20 years old, Toby is 16 years old
The name of Justin Timberlake's old boy band was called N'Sync.
Donnie Wahlberg is 48 years old (birthdate: August 17, 1969).
Deanne appeared on Tiswas when she was 13 years old, went on to appear semi regularly on Oh Boy in '79 and '80. She later was a fill in for the 80's band Dollar as well as sang at George Michael's 30th birthday party. She is still singing and is in a band, 'Baby Go Boom' performing alongside her husband........She is now Deanne Blazey
Old Dogs.
Riley is now 16. (Via his twitter: @byeriley)
Riley is now 18 years old, Connor is 20 years old, Toby is 16 years old
Aston is 23 years old
it doesnt matter about age, one direction for example where not 18 when they were formed, before you exit are not 18 either, its aslong as you can either sing or play well.
around 4.5 years
Tom is 23 years old.
will he's 15 and cute.