

Best Answer

Riley is now 18 years old, Connor is 20 years old, Toby is 16 years old

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Q: How old is Before You Exit boy band?
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How old is connor from the band before you exit?


How old is riley from the band before you exit?

Riley is now 16. (Via his twitter: @byeriley)

How old is before you exit band?

Riley is now 18 years old, Connor is 20 years old, Toby is 16 years old

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Aston is 23 years old

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How old do you have to be to start a band?

it doesnt matter about age, one direction for example where not 18 when they were formed, before you exit are not 18 either, its aslong as you can either sing or play well.

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around 4.5 years

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Tom is 23 years old.

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How old is Toby McDonough from before you exit?

will he's 15 and cute.