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Q: How can you find a photo of Pierre Rieu wife Effie?
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What comment of effie trinket does katniss find ironic and why?

Effie Trinket's comment about District Twelve being so barbaric creates situational irony.

Are there any photographs of Pierre Rieu's wedding to Eefje Roberts?

Pierre and Suzan broke up in July 2007. Pierre married Eefje van Hombergh on October 19. 2008. they since have a set of twin girls. Linde and Lieke There are no public pictures of the wedding, but there are some picture of the girls.

Is there a photo of Marjorie Rieu?

Marjorie Rieu does not want a photo of her to be shown anywhere at all , I would say it was her wish. It is indeed Marjorie's wish not to be in the publicity. However there are a few older pictures of her, which were taken for publicity. You can find some of them on my website Go to newsletters once on my site. You will find a picture of her in the November news letter. I am working on a page with another picture. The pictures are about 10 years old, but the only recent pictures of her are unflattering Tabloid pictures taken by paparazzi, and I will not post those. She also wrote a book about Andre and it has some pictures, you can buy the book on Andre's website. Sonja

Why does Katniss find Effie so annoying?

Effie is a typical Capitol person and Katniss doesn't necessarily like the Capitol or people from the Capitol. Effie also likes proper manners and fashion, both of which which Katniss could care less about.

Chelsea Charms current photo gallerys which are free?

You can find Chelsea Charms photo gallery in a few places. You can find her photo gallery online or you can find them in magazines.

Where can someone find reviews on where to find good photo supplies?

Photo supplies, complete with reviews, can be found online at Amazon and eBay. Photo supplies can also be found online at Photo Supplies and Calumet Photo.

If there was to be a dreamgirls 2 what would it be about?

i think it would be about Curtis Taylor Jr. trying to get back with Effie White and Deena Jones re-collaborating with Effie White. I think Effie will be smart and learn from her mistakes and find someone who really loves he. That would be a great movie! except for one thing what songs would they sing and who will play these characters?

Where can I find photo editors online?

You can find online photo editors at the following or

Where can one find images of babies sleeping?

You can find images of babies sleep on stock photo websites such as iStock Photo and Bigstock Photo. You can also occasionally find them on websites such as Gerber.

How to find by photo only?

To find a person by photo only, you can try showing the photo to other people who might know this person. The police can use image matching software to find a person by photo, but the person must already be in a database.

How do you find details of a person by having his photo only?

i want to find the man i have his photo's but not sure if he is the real man how do i find the truth??

Free photo borders?

You can find free photo borders on scrapbooking websites. You can also search online and find hundreds of free photo borders. Michaels may have some free photo borders at their store.