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One of Harry Potter's best friends. She is the daughter of Muggle dentists and quite brilliant when it comes to school. She supports Harry through many trials and tribulations and ends up marrying his other best friend, Ron Weasley.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Hermione Granger is a highly intelligent and strong character. From a young age, she showed bravery and faced things that most people, never mind a young girl, could cope with. Throughout the series, she grew from a bossy know-it-all who cared a little too much about the rules, to someone who didn't think twice about leaving school to help defeat Lord Voldemort (of course, she did complete her final year at Hogwarts.)

Hermione also has very strong opinions and isn't afraid to let others know them, S.P.E.W is a perfect example of this. Yet, Hermione has her vulnerabilities too. She became extremely jealous when Ron started dating Lavender Brown and refused to speak to him for several months.

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Hermione Granger's salary is unknown.

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The actress who plays Hermione Granger is Emma Watson. (My favorite actress, in fact!)

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Hermione Granger's parents are dentists in Muggle London.

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'Granger' came from her father's family, 'Hermione' was chosen by her parents.

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Granger (in really life her name is Emma Watson)

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Nobody knows everything but Hermione Granger certainly knows a lot.

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