just make more wooz and beex shitbrix you do not know the answer ahh bobo
ther is no way u could become a celebrity unless u are a singer or actor in real world.
First, become a famous, rich and glamorous movie star. second, move to Hollywood
you have to do drugs
You need 5,000 peeps as your friends.
selena gomez does not have woozworld but i do my names: ariyana555
From star of the week
You add lots of people, be really nice, try winning star of the week, and show up places lots of people are at :)
You can't become an animator in Woozworld. The animators are hired by the company.
You can't become an animator in Woozworld. The animators are hired by the company.
There is no games related to Woozworld. Woozworld is very unique. Movie Star Planet is sort of like Woozworld, but NOT as good.
you can't.but join her on woozworld,movie star planet,smallworlds,and lily beaker is on here live every week on mondays
you can't.but join her on woozworld,movie star planet,smallworlds,and lily beaker is on here live every week on mondays
You may not become an animator on Woozworld. Even if you know them. You must live in Canada and you must visit the Woozworld headquarters there to become an animator. You have to pay to be an animator, and you don't get paid either.
You complete the acievements. And add lots of people :)
you cant become a member for free
You have to become a VIP
Try Woozworld