The main character is a child psychologist, and he's trying to figure out what's wrong with the boy so he can help him.
There is a lot like that. Do you know any actors in it?
The Sixth Sense....... 1999
Sixth Sense??? with Bruce Willis...;)
The Sixth Sense was released on 08/06/1999.
Any time you see something red in The Sixth Sense there is about to be some sort of interaction with a ghost.
M.Night Shyamalan directed the sixth sense
"The Sixth Sense" and "Unbreakable"
There is a lot like that. Do you know any actors in it?
No, but Donnie Wahlberg was. The two brothers look exactly alike, so it's easy to get them confused. See the Related Link below for the IMDb (Internet Movie Data Base) entry for the Sixth Sense (1999).
The Sixth Sense.
August 6, 1999.
sixth sense
A movie called "The Sixth Sense."
Sixth Sense.
the sixth sense
The Sixth Sense....... 1999