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Rosalie says "here comes the human" in the first movie/book.

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Q: Here comes the human who says that in twilight?
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If you go on the official twilight website There on the first page that comes up it says that there is a chance for you to go on the set of New Moon and be in the movie. Look on the website for more infomation.

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It comes out on march 21st! you can search for it on amazon. It is a 2 disc special edition and it says what is on it!!! I can't wait!! Can you?!?!

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It is probably Debussy because in the movie Edward Cullen says he was listening to Debussy when Bell comes to visit>

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if you are talking about the movie what happens is they are at prom and Bella wants edward to turn her into a vampire but edward says she should stay human for now

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The author of twilight makes a brief cameo appearance in twilight when is this?

After Bella spents the day at Edward's place, and after the police men find a human bare footprint at the forest, Bella wents to the Dinner to have lunch with her father.Before entering the room, Mike says to her he doesn't like that she's dating Edward.When she enters the room, there she is, the AUTHOR Stephenie Meyer, sat in front of the counter with her MAC.The waitress says to her "Here's your veggie plate, Stephenie".